Basically looking to learn C++, and thus I'm after a quality software solution to program in C, Im used to the setup of the Python GUI 'IDLE', so something with similar concepts and functionality would be preferred, any suggestions welcome, and if you could point me in the direction of any comprehensive teachings of C that would be great.
I am actually looking at the thread about compiling from atom at the moment, and I've gotten stuck XP, if you could give me some advice on just setting it up to be a one stop solution for writing and then compiling that would be much appreciated.
While @ninja85a can help with atom on windows (im on Linux using Atom + GCC/Clang) (and were on discord as well). Here's a few more resources I'm finding useful. these 3 are packages i recommend getting for ATOM once you start it up you should see a settings panel on the right click install and on the top bit put the names of them in and install them then install msys2 and follow the steps at first to set it up. after that do pacman -S gcc and press y when it asks and yet it install then go into your msys2 folder and find gcc.exe and copy the file path of that and put it into the config for linter-gcc and you should be good to go :D
Visual studio community edition on Windows is a good place to start. If you download Unreal Engine (it's free) then you'll find all of the source code editing can be done via visual studio. The reason you would use atom over visual studio is if you really like it's interface, not because it's more convenient (far from it).
well im using it because i dont want to get used to how when you code in visual studio it has things that only visual studio will use and since im planning on doing a open source program ill want to not get used to it like that :D
Yea, you're right I should have expanded on that a bit more. If you want cross-platform development sometimes it's just better to do it from the ground up and avoid Microsoft tools all together.
i get why you recommend to use it first i did that but then i remembered that people like @Eden are using linux (fedora in eden's case) and they cant use visual studio and i wanted to make a open source password manager so best to not use it
When you say config what do you mean, as in the linter folders on my PC there are a number of files and folders with config in there names, or is it something to do with the linter settings page on Atom?