Looking for a new shooter

It's about time to retire Titanfall as my main mindless shooter since the servers are pretty empty now.

What are my options as someone who loved BFBC2, TitanFall, and hated COD Blops (The last one I played).

The obvious one is Hardline, but I've heard quite a bit of negativity about it.

try Loadout. It's a free third person shooter with fully customizable guns. You can build your gun with different parts and elements, leading to make some pretty cool stuff. Overall decent fun with cartoon style graphics.
BTW There's no pay to win, just pay for outfits which don't matter.

Noooooooo dont get hardline..

What about insurgency?
It's a pretty team orientated fps. Various game modes, against bots or real people. There's quite a few custom maps, some servers have an auto download system for them... and there's a decent amount of custom models on the steam workshop. Mountain dew Molotovs.

Insurgency, CS:GO (cause why not?), Planetside 2.

Planetside 2 is a great game if you spend the time to learn it, it's massive and wonderful. But it's also very hard to run at a good FPS, not helped by the messy development right now. There is seriously nothing more thrilling than 400+ man fights, or flying in a 3 platoon air crash (48 players per platoon). Oh, and drunk people.

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BattleField 4?