Looking for a new ATX case

So, I am doing a new build and need a case. Considering laying it on its side to make it a HTPC. I would like the smallest size case possible. Needs to be atx because its what I have. Drive storage space doesnt need to be the most ever. No side panel. Sound dampening would be nice. $100 budget. Lets see what we can find.

Also I know small ATX is an odd concept.

Or I might just build one.

I would suggest the Corsair 400Q. I helped my cousin build in that one a few weeks ago, he's really happy with it.

Not really great to lay on the side though.

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this is one of the smallest ATX cases there is


wait @moderators close this, we have another thread for someone looking for the same thing.

@moderators doesn't work...

@Eden @Destroyed007 @Phantom @MisteryAngel hmm... can't think of the others but this should be sufficient.

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It used to before the forum migration. But that works.

fyi.. no need to close it, it can just be marked as solved/ post saying your no longer needing help :D (but ill close anyway)

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