Looking for a mobile upgrade (open to phablets)

How goes everyone? With my wind tab payed off and my phone getting a bit old, the upgrade bug is bitting me. So I need some help in deciding if I should upgrade now or wait?

My previous devices were Acer Liquid E, Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7 Gen 1 (rooted to become a phone for awhile) and the current one I have is the Galaxy Note 3.

This where the whole phablet thing comes in, after I got my note 3 I stopped using my tablet all together. So you can say that this phone would also be a phablet upgrade. I got accustom to the 5+ inch screen and would want a phone with atleast 5 inch screen. So without further ado here are my uses:

-Media consumption on the go (video, youtube, music) so resolution and audio quality is kind of important
-All day use for texting, social media, etc.
-I treat my phone like a semi-workstation (using external displays and bluetooth keyboard and mouse)
-I run alot of heavy processing apps like Matlab mobile, Octave, and rooted apps like OpeaFOAM and other heavy simulation application, CAD, etc.
-And if I am not using phone proccessor itself I am co-processing via connecting to my pc or work/schools pc/supercomputer or clouds
-I play alot of mobile games and run emulators like Drastic DS, MyBoy and I plan on running PSX/PS2 emulators
-Using (sparsely) Nvidia Gamestream on my phone when I am not near home, obviously connecting to an external device
-Able to RDP into Windows, linux, OSX, VM’s and clouds
-I also read and write lectures and other things on my phone (note 3’s Spen helped in this regard)
-I also use the sensors on the phone for experiments and projects so the camera and its ability to record in slo mo is very useful
-And any other things a normal person might do on a phone (like banking, emails, etc.)
-I also use third party security apps sometimes (like app locks and vpn)

So for me I am looking for a phone with atleast a 5inch screen, great resolution, great battery life, can replace tablets, strong camera with high resolution slow mo recording as a possibility (at the very least 120fps since my note 3 can do that and I did use it for slow motion ballistic analysis for a net gun payload for a satellite design), very powerful SOC for smoothness in operation and can atleast give me a performance boost in my heavy processing task over the note 3. I would love for SD storage, removable battery (but since most manufactures are doing away with it) atleast a phone can read external USB drives (if I can’t get SD expansion). With the andriod security issues going on is iOS any safer? I have no allegence with iOS or Andriod or Samsung/Acer/Google so I am open to any companies.

What should I do?