I am putting together a half-budget build that I want to "upgrade" when funds allow. I plan to be using an HD 7970 in the future and I like to overclock and so forth.
The infantcy stage of the build will most likely be this: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/JeremyB796/saved/4n9l A very unbalanced thing to start off, I plan to replace the mobo in the future if it causes problems, upgrade the gpu, and get a real cooler to put inside.
What I'm looking for now is an affordable PSU to pop in the thing to feed it...I am trying to get this going asap and the higher the cost, the longer it will take to fund it...I need it for college and I don't have money to burn...or a wallet...
The only thing I require from the it is:
semi modular (not very important)
80+ bronze or higher
Not be coolmax (I already read the horrible things about that brand)
be cheap as possible (My max is $70...that's a bit pushing it)
be over 650w Need room for further upgrades as funds allow)
I am looking at these PSUs:
http://pcpartpicker.com/part/cougar-power-supply-cougara760 http://pcpartpicker.com/part/thermaltake-power-supply-sp750pcbus http://pcpartpicker.com/part/ocz-power-supply-oczzt650w http://pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-power-supply-120pb0750kr http://pcpartpicker.com/part/silverstone-power-supply-st70fes
The Cougar looks reasonably decent...don't know how I feel about the dual 12v rails...it would probably be something I would have to mindful of when I install a newer gpu...
I'm sorry, I'm absolutly terrible with PSUs...and GPUs if your talking about anything over 1080p...I would get a more expensive PSU if I could...like a bequite or something...but right now I'm hoping to find a cheap "gem" of the bunch or a psu that gets really good sales stupidly often (but I can't be waiting too long for a sale)
thank you for you patience.