I’m was using windows operating system for almost 6-7 years,but now I’m interested in linux. So, I install linux mint , and it was awesome, also learn some basic commands. But I had some problems with applications like alarm clock but when I googled it found some solutions, first it didn’t work but I tried again again, at last it worked just the way I wanted. Linux is awesome but you have to give time to resolve your problem.
Linux is awesome until you meet the CLI hardliners and tinfoil hats who say anything proprietary is pure evil and people have to use computers the same way they do.
Nonetheless, enjoy the ride~
I’m glad you are willing to work out solutions- I also find that I have to search for solutions a fair amount.
I would just say to actually read commands before copying them into a terminal.
I don’t understand all the hocus-op us, but some words keep cropping up, and you really can learn some tips, like ‘’ls -lash’’ instead of ‘’dir’’
Stay sane.
I too tried the purist lifestyle and decided it wasnt for me… I realize that I am here not to be pure and one with the open source spirit, but only because win 10 has become a horrible waking nightmare (and I cant live in MacOS because I game a lot).
Same here
I use Linux a lot for servers but haven’t made the jump from Windows on the desktop yet. The thing holding me back is gaming, and specifically the issue that you can’t use multiple monitors with G-Sync yet in Linux.
I’ve played around with Mint a little bit and it does seem very easy to use. It would be one of my first choices for desktop Linux.