Hi Logan and anyone else using a OnePlus One. I recently decided to install oxygenos on my OnePlus device. I ended up going back to cm12s because of raw image support and 4g LTE issues but it was a very clean OS. Logan have you rooted your device yet? Have you played around with other custom roms? If so what was your experience?
I have rooted my device and used to run the old CM11 Stock Rom, I now run Euphoria on my OPO and love it. I do lose some of the camera capability like raws (unless I just haven't found it yet), but gain things like USB OTG which I wanted more. I have some issues with bugs, but they are very minor, and are probably fixed in the update I'm too lazy to flash to.
Thanks for the reply. I use straight talk which uses atts towers. When flashing oxygenos the phone didn't recognize it as straight talk. It would try to connect via at&t. I do like cm12s for the time being. I'd love to dip my hands in others.
you can just install the old Cameranext app used by CM11S to get RAW back
you can find a version modded for CM12 Here
Oh, thank you.
Could you expand on this? Straight talk user thinking of getting a 1+1 here.