Linux video editors and photo editors

So I finally got around to shifting some partitions around to make room for Linux on my laptop. I installed Ubuntu GNOME and I am a happy camper.

I was looking into Linux video editors just to see if anything has changed since the last time I looked (over 2 years ago lol) and sure enough I found this thing called Pitivi. It looks to be about the same capability level as Sony's Vegas Movie Studio suite just from what I can tell after a minute of goofing around in the program, but maybe it's more capable than that.

Do you guys have any thoughts? Is there a better one out there? Also, photo editors too. I know about GIMP but is there something like Paint.NET, because I found GIMP to be a little less intuitive than Paint.NET for some things.


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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS - LightWorks ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I know but...neugh...the learning curve :P

If only there were some good LightWorks tutorials AHEM TEKSYNDICATE AHEM AHEM

If memory serves the last thing that was ever mentioned about video editing on Linux was Logan playing with Pitivi.

Check Darktable for photo-editing and also ufraw for RAWs (less features but very easy to use).

Also make sure you use GIMP in single window mode as it changes the feeling for the better.


GIMP has single window mode?? ..... You just changed my life. Thank you.

Yeah, the option is in the windows menu. Still do not understand why it is not the default.

Holy crap how'd I miss that, my only complaint with gimp just dissolved. Thank you!

My reaction when I read GIMP has single window mode:


No way. I've been using GIMP for years. How did I miss this?! Bloody hell.

i use GIMP for photos, and OpenShot for video.

Blender can be used on Linux; it has video-editing capabilities, and a tonne of other features as well (rendering, and a gaming-engine)

I'm in the process of learning about this programme to utilise it in content-creation.


I've been using it for a while as well (prefer it over PS)_, and I've never known of this. This would've been helpful on that ad I was making...

+1 If you learn blender, everything dealing with 3d modeling will come natural to you. It is quite essential.

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Check out Kdenlive. I don't know where PiTivi is in comparison, but I do know Kdenlive supports a ton of video formats.

For editing photos i use lightzone which is free and opensource it can be found here