Linux recommendations for Linux noob?

Well yeah i can see reasons why people would go away from Ubuntu LTS.
The 16.04 release did have their issues with certain drivers / hardware.
It wasnt their best release ever.

Fedora is cool in their own way.
Its not really noob friendlly atall, but if you get more experianced,
and wenn you enable rpm fusion free and non free repositories.
Then there will be allot more software and packages available to you.
But still Fedora is pretty strickt to the software packages they offer.

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I think @Kegplant_Wizard19 accidentally bricked his box.

Yo dude! You got like 60 replies and then silence. Where'd you go?

If you ever return from bricked PC pergatory please let me know why you're interested in Linux? I'm genuinely interested.

I've been paying attention to the thread. I've simply been out and about today. My interest in Linux is to see what the differences of it and Windows are first hand. If its worth switching to full time etc. I guess for me its just for exploration, and to see what I can do with it. I should note that I do have to wait a bit to have the cash to allocate a drive to installing Linux and at the moment money is tight.


You might want to try VirtualBox if you have not already. This will let you try out any Linux Live cd or install. if you mess something up just trash it and start over with no penalties. The OS will be running on virtual hardware so it will be slower but it will work flawlessly. You can also write live images to a USB drive and boot from them, or even just install to a usb drive. just about any Linux will work this way. Im fond older thinkpads and have a pile of them, most do not even have hardrives i just boot from a usb drive or over ethernet from a server. The good thing about linux is you really do not need to spend much money to jump into it. I ran linux off complete garbage and free machines for years, the cool thing about it is that if a machine fails you just rip the hardrive out and put it in anything else and it usually just boots your old install. (unless you have closed GPU drivers installed)

Give virtualbox or live usb a try before installing over your main os or attempt dual booting.

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Linus torvalds would disagree on that point except for ubuntu..

Anyways I would argue the contrary to what @Kat and @Th3Z0ne say on recommendations for one particular difference in philosophy. If you are a noon you will want to learn the basic commands etc but the problem is if you install a distro that's easy and never breaks how are you to get exposed to fixing the issues. I recommend fedora to learn on first. Its a solid mainstay.. The testing distribution for rhel .. Its more unstable then centos but as user friendly as Ubuntu to be quite honest. You also get exposure on fedora 25 to Wayland and gnome with xwayland as fallback. These are new technologies and learning on them will prove beneficial later. In addition to that fedora has a tendency to break between upgrades.. that's a fantastic learning g opportunity on how to recover a distribution whether it be from grub rescue or the CLI tty interface of the distribution.

This is totally contrary to the popular belief of giving people easy starts. I don't believe in that when it comes to linux.. The hard knocks schooling method is much more effective here.. However patience is a virtue and I do not say that lightly.

Also more benefits to fedora is being close to the enterprise Linux world and using the rpm (red hat package manager) is something that is useful in the field. Personal use distros are cool but having skills to take elsewhere is also beneficial. If you do not want to use fedora my second recommendation would be opensuse

For those in this post who do not know my Linux habits I started on fedora core back in the day.. I know all about how bad you can break the fuck out of something


Neat, I'll try that out.

Ubuntu. Or Solus. Antergos could also work.

Linux Lite, Xubuntu & Lubuntu.

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