Linux Phone Hub

That’s for the 3+, I got the regular 3 for closer to 300 Euro.

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I see the pixel 3a is supported fairly well in Ubuntu touch… but not so much in postmarket. I wouldnt mind trying a few distros then probably end up back at Ubuntu like I always do… 3a can be had for fairly cheap here

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I’ve been watching some Q&A videos from the Ubports (Ubuntu Touch) team, one of the developers uses the 3a, so that’s a good choice for a “just works” Ubuntu touch phone. Can’t get much better for upstream support.


I daily a 3a running UT, and it is by far my best experience out of all my linux phones. The Nexus 5 comes fairly close aside from speed.

I do need to update this as I no longer have any copy/past, gesture, or keyboard issues.

Checking the forums the xl is also supported based on the 3a image. Have just ordered an xl for same price so will be diving in hopefully in a few days

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Did you see my warnings? Just want to make sure you know what’s up so you don’t end up with the wrong phone like I did.

Yeah I read the caveat about downgrading to pie for 3a’s that should be fine.
I’m downloading the relevant noted version as we speak in preparation.
I will be running the commands from the moment I switch it on to unlock the bootloader and get the downgrade going lol :slight_smile:

If it’s a Verizon phone (most are) you can not unlock the bootloader. They have to come from the Google Store to be unlocked.

Sorry if I’m repeating myself, it’s just something I didn’t under stand when I bought one and I wish I did.

Thankfully I am in AUS so we dont have a lot of those shenanigans about ruthless locking.
Also from checking the one carrier that typically handles the pixel line down here appears to ship it like google intended and is not specifically bootloader locked.
Worst comes to worse I’ll have a android 12 device to play with i suppose.

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Cool. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it. I think it runs pretty great.

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Device came in the post about 3 hours ago…

Managed to downgrade to 9 and use the latest installer which got me stuck at Google logo, failing to get into recovery.

Found a post literally posted 3 hours prior by someone doing the exact same thing as I was who worked out if you use the 0.8.8 beta app image it would work on the 3aXL… So a bit more mucking about and that worked first go.

Fast forward into the operating system I have only really had a quick play so far and have waydroid installed… I thought by disabling some of the superfluous apps in the settings page that it would remove them from the launcher (the superfluous android apps that is) but it doesn’t seem to be the case even with a reboot, maybe it just picks up installed apps and not active apps… so the duplicates of apps is a tad annoying.

I have installed the tweak utility and set dark theme which was painless.

It says I have no app updates but when running it in terminal it says I have a bunch… i’m not sure if by updating via terminal will break the device so i need to do a bit more research there unless you know?

I was unsure if convergence was going to be a thing on the 3a so gave it a whirl on my nexdock and nothing happens other than charging starts…

Time to probably have a play with getting some more apps installed and see if i can get it to some sort of condition to start daily driving it. The camera seems not bad as well which is nice.

Do you have any suggestions on some of the apps/things I should have a look at installing/playing with to get a better experience?


I tried using Anbox (which doesn’t really work).
When I get duplicates I can just drag down on the app tray to refeash it and remove those.

I’ll reply with more later. I’ve got to clock on for work right now.

Yeah, ubuntu touch should only be upgraded with the system gui tool rather than apt upgrade in the terminal. Not sure how much it would break it but I know it’s not recommended.

That’s the same experience I have with waydroid on arch arm on the pinephone. If you remove the corresponding .desktop files from ~/.local/share/applications/ the apps won’t show in the app drawer.

I hope you like ubuntu touch on the 3a. I think it has the best UI/UX of the mobile linux distros right now even though I still prefer to use some of the other distros for the moment. @TeckMonster had a good reply to me a couple months ago with some tips for daily driving UT.


Thank you mate i will just use the gui.
That fix for the .desktop files works perfect :slight_smile:

I find it too be pretty good experience so far however just have a couple things that I need to get working to daily drive… one would be matrix client with E2EE… I’m trying to use the android element client at the moment but it seems to rely to much on waydroid and if it gets a little buggy and crashes you dont get your messages.

The other would be andOTP support… i want to keep the android version running as well so need to migrate my backup file across to the wayland filesystem but can’t seem to find where it is to manually move the file across, do you have any tips?

I am yet to try the phone/text at the moment as I need those other things met before I can push with dailying the phone.


Did you switch it over to the Dev channel? There’s updates almost daily.

I just switched to Dev and lost waydroid lol time for a reinstall

Made a bit of headway this morning.

  1. Managed to Mount waydroid file system as rw

In terminal grab sudo

sudo -s

Then run chmod recursively

chmod -R 777 waydroid

I gave it a reboot just cause
I was able to move files across the systems and not kill waydroid setup

It does seem however that if waydroid gets stale and u need to stop the session to restart you need to run chmod again to get access back.

  1. I find that WiFi transfer app to be a tad annoying…

  2. I have been able to port from andotp over to the 2fa manager in Ubuntu touch from the store

Exported from andotp and imported to aegis in frdroid as well… then import as plain text from aegis and import into 2fa manager, deleting those export files as I went. Moved from andOTP to aegis on my android device to simplify my life

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Meh don’t care giving it 777 right now… just needed the transfer to work… it breaks fairly reliably back to no access as waydroid seems to hang for me a fair bit so I’ve used it twice to get the file across and havnt needed it

Edit - Also found through mucking about that running the container stop command will boot me back to no access

waydroid session stop

I find that also helps if its hanging and you need to force kill it to reopen an app or whatever

I’ve mistakenly got a Librem V coming, but I don’t want it anymore due to them not delivering and they won’t give me a refund - I guess cause they’re financially unstable?