Linux Mint-TrueNAS Server File Issue

So I’ve been running into a couple of issues with doing direct downloads to my TrueNAS server. It’s happening to both my Mom and I. All our computers are using Linux Mint 21.3.

Little bit of detail on the entire setup, both of us use Brave (flatpak) as our primary browser. When my Mom and I both save downloads to our perspective share drives, some files are written to the folders; while some files aren’t even existent. When I go to the downloads page in Brave or Chrome (flatpak versions), I click on open containing folder and I check the drive path and I get something along the line of /run/usr/1000/doc/some random folder name. Once I restart, the files are gone. Now when I use Firefox that comes pre-installed, I download a file directly to my share drive, click on open containing folder and I get the actual folder I saved to. I’m wondering if it’s something to deal with permissions issues with Flatpak?

yeah this sounds like you need to give proper disk access to the flatpak.

I reccomend installing Flexseal to easily manage the full disk access.