Did you confirm the content of /home/user/.smbpassword by testing a mount manually?
sudo mount -t cifs //ip-address/public /home/user/Network/network -o credentials=/home/user/.smbpassword,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777
maybe once without the credentials option specifying username/password explicitly. A successful login could confirm correct credentials pointing to an incorrect .smbpassword file. Or expose incorrect credentials. Or …
Let us know what your performance is like. I get terrible performance over SMB with my Synology. Seems like the SMBv3 support is broken with them. AFP is a bit better tho.
Maybe tangential but… why are you mounting the share as an SMB share when you’re on Linux anyway? That seems a bit wasted on both ends since you have an SMB overhead on both sides and SMB isn’t all that stellar in the first place.
Why not just NFS when the NAS is Linux based anyway like the Asustor?
If you have a better method you can list the commands so I can see if the method works good for me.
One issue I still have like I did with a QNAP NAS is that when I try to transfer a wine prefix to the NAS it won’t copy over /dosdevices dir in prefix.
Originally I thought it was because QNAP NAS wouldn’t format EXT4, but Asustor does format EXT4, but it made no difference.
That said I haven’t encountered issues without the /dosdevices. The dir rebuilds on new systems.
One thing of note is my PC’s dual boot windows and map network drives.
Thanks for commenting. I don’t work or have education in IT, I simply learn what I need to accomplish what I want on computers.
First you’d have to check that NFS shares are actually available and being done on the NAS. It’d be weird if they didn’t seeing as they are Linux devices but who knows.
Going from there you can mount a share in the Terminal using mount -t nfs <IP>:/<share> /path/to/mountpoint. If that works you can put it into fstab the same way you do the SMB share.
NFS and SMB are not really interchangeable. the short of it is:
SMB: designed to share data across a network with security handled by the share host.
NFS: designed to share a device across a network, security will be handled by the system using the device.
have you checked to see if you have performance issues? if you do not, then just use SMB if you have been using it. i run mostly linux environment and use Active Directory and SMB or CIFS for everything.