Linux hate thread

This has no value on a desktop, even if it were true. Stating it as a major advantage for desktop users is stupid and something that linux shills constantly do.

Depends on your package manager. Zypper supports this, dnf probably does too.

It can depend on what card you have, but its stupid. The nouveau module should be blacklisted for use on the problem gpus by default, but unfortunately this isn’t done.

stop updating your kernel. 2.x aught to be enough for anyone

The best uptime i’ve ever had on an end user device is probably a toss up between:

  • my iPad
  • my Macbook


Because both never run out of battery, both sleep and wake properly. Every time. They get re-started for OS updates. That’s it.

Windows and Linux are far more of a crapshoot in that respect.

I’ve had uptime measured in years on Linux and FreeBSD in the past, but i’m talking end user devices here.

Haven’t had to deal with that issue on major distros in years.

No value on a desktop huh? How about having to constantly restart because of something that Windows does. Or the random ass times Windows decides to update. I have literally been in the middle of work, and Windows 10 has just said it’s not letting me delay an update anymore and forcing a restart for an update. and then i’m stuck waiting for my slow ass internet for it to download the update. Because I don’t let it download the updates ahead of time. Because i have work to do.

So far, i’ve only had to restart my Linux machine 12 times due to updates, in the last 2 years I’ve ran it. And Linux is my daily driver.

I use the default package manager. Because I don’t have the time to install different package managers.

I’ve only ever had a kernel update require a restart like maybe 12 times in the two years I’ve been running Linux. But my setup may be different than yours.

Lol yeah.

Microsoft assumes that every day you can pick 5-6 hours per day that you will not be using your computer.

Never mind that say, patch tuesday happens when your PC is off and then you finally start gaming on a friday night and it thinks right in the middle of gaming is a great time to update.

“pick some other time” you say?

Well sorry but my hours are flexible. Windows should be as well. ASK. don’t just reboot. If i don’t consent to the reboot then don’t fuckign do it.

But hey what do i care, i ditched Windows 10 a while ago now :slight_smile:

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I think you meant to post in the Windows Hate Thread. :wink:


No, it was a reply to a post in THIS thread…

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When I used to dual boot Linux was the first choice so I would often walk away to do something to come back to a Linux login screen.

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This I recognise, I think later versions actually remembered the option you chose last though. Always as annoying back when I was maining Windows, but fun times! :slight_smile:

And uptime on a system tells nothing… Except how much time has passed since it last crashed on you and/or forced a reboot. 100 days of no catastrophic error must be a pretty solid score in my opinion, though I have had apps crash on me during this time. I’d say that’s pretty solid for the underlying OS, but whatever.

Linux is by no means a silver bullet but neither is it unsuitable to non-techies - in fact it’s very suitable for that group of people since their nephew wizkid will maintain their system regardless, and Linux is way ahead Windows in ease of maintaining single systems.

Now, power users such as us, yeah, I get why Linux is not a great pick for everyone. :slight_smile:

Whenever the stupid Windows Update decides it wants to force an update on a certain machine, after a reboot it’ll end up booting to whatever Linux distro was setup as the dual-boot. (same exact result as the post above) :slight_smile: Generally uptime on Windows varies wildly in my experience, whenever Intel updates their “Windows Store” based universal control panel it’ll require a reboot or you risk QuickSync deciding to poop itself :tired_face:

The only Linux I hate I have is when “desktop environment” developers think they understand users better so the new version suffers more bugs/serious bugs than the the previous one and the bug list grows at a rapid pace. Gnome created a mess with rolling out a touch friendly UI with some sloppy results(worse than Win8 at the same time period), there were a few ugly issues and bugs which made KDE seem better in QA :open_mouth: Gnome finally ironed out the touch issues as 2-in-1 notebooks became more mainstream which may have been the reason of Ubuntu dumping Unity, I think Canonical decided the R&D of Unity wasn’t worth it and many end-users wanted Gnome to return----Unity would of likely survived if the Ubuntu Phone happened.

Now as far as distros go, what grinds my gears is Lubuntu team went from “LXDE” minimalist spin which allowed users to install what they needed afterwards and now bloated their spin–sure LibreOffice is now mainstream but I don’t see a point of a minimalist spin adding it. Bloat wise Xubuntu which includes LibreOffice is snappier than Lubuntu under a few usage conditions–yes I’ve compared it on old hardware from a single core to a Core 2 Duo. /I’ll stick to Alpine Linux for minimalist usage on anything with 2-4GB of memory.

If you’re on any *ubuntu the focus of that distro is ease of use to a large degree.

Part of that is including the applications a typical end user will need. So they don’t need to go hunting down some randomly named package to do what they want, that they don’t even know the name of.

If you want to roll your own minimalist distribution you’d be far better off…

  • downloading a debian minimal network install ISO
  • installing and selecting “minimal install”
  • logging into the shell at the local console and…
  • running apt-get to get the specific meta-packages you want, which will install the relevant dependencies only. e.g., apt-get install kde-desktop (or something like that, it’s been a while) for example. Will install X11, and all the dependencies.

ITT Linux spergs come to defend the honor of Linux because it is their personal friend.


As a Norwegian i feel strongly about penguins,

only fedora/rhel/centos

[image intensifies]

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there are centos spergs?

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These Linux users are the reason people don’t like Linux.


I hate that linux isnt like windows like some of its users pretend it is.


actually its GNU+Linux guys, come on now.



He better be librebooting or I’m going to send him a mean comment on the internet.