Linus Torvalds Taking A Break

Windows guys will love this: If your Linux box will freeze in the next few weeks, don’t panic, Linus is on vacation :smiley:

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Because SJW’s don’t tolerate any form of criticism of themselves irregardless of how polite or professional it is. They think any form of criticism of their work, is an attack and, to use a popular phrase amongst them, “Not Ok”

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I keep seeing mentions of SJWs. Can you give me examples of SJWs on the mailing list? Or does it have something to do with Linus’s departure? The only “SJW” influence I’ve seen up to this point is the CoC’s politically correct nature.

It depends on what you consider sjw type tactics. there are scatterings of it here and there.

This seems more about the coc which there is another thread for.

the coc though is a political document, the author explicitly says so. It has been adopted into the linux project. The projects terms for contributing are now bound by a political movement.

The document was specifically written to allow for the authors push of their ideology and the linux project never changed it so its subject to that ideology.

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There were a number that he interacted with over the years who didn’t like his style of “calling a turd a turd”.

Then there was allegedly a group of female linux dev’s that were trying to get him alone at a convention, so that one of them could accuse him of sexual assault and basically destroy his career. This is alleged, the individuals involved AFAIK have quit the Linux dev scene after being “found out”

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Hmm, so the is where Linus’ quote about having a group of people around him whenever he needs to meet a woman comes from.


Yeah, he just follows the Pence Policy.

never be alone with a woman who is not your wife.

It makes you virtually untouchable by those “misconduct” allegations.


Linus is from Scandinavia and here we are often more honest about when something is wrong. And i fell that the Americans are often more thin skinned. I have heard about people saying this is the end of linux but i say no! We need to get the job done and move forward.


Ok now that the code of conduct has been described to me somewhat…

Ok, yeah, I’m concerned.

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I’m very curious if there’s a specific incident that resulted in this apology. Do you have a link to the evidence of this?

I found the sex assault thing. Their were other choices. But I liked how the breitbart one read. I don’t know if you would read that tho…


Ah yes, the old aspergers asexual person raping people, great.

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This article’s sole source is as far as I can tell, but you’re right that the article is well written. I’m going to have to say that I kinda trust it, but I’d like to do some more digging on the Ada Initiative. From the talk section of the wikipedia article I can see that there have been some past controversies about them that have been removed from the article for lack of proof. It definitely adds up, so I could say any suspicion of them is well founded.


A single anonymous source in an article on a fringe website, but you trust it. I wonder why? Perhaps because it confirms beliefs you already held?

Can’t we keep politics out of this, please?

It appears that not a single sexual assault claim was ever made or a sex assault threat was ever found to be made…

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I was just trying to find the sauce from what trikstari said. Sorry.

First off, I said I “kinda” trust it. Not because of Breitbart, which I am not a reader of (except in this instance), but because it comes from the mouth of Eric Raymond in combination with untrustworthy behavior from Ada.
Secondly, don’t pretend that I had some preconceived stance on something I was being a stickler for proof on; proof which I might add, I don’t trust fully.

This is very interesting, if anything it also makes me wonder the source of the claim that Linus won’t let himself be alone at conferences. This is something that I’d heard before, maybe even just in this thread, but I haven’t seen a quote attributed to this.


Linus could have got a spokesperson years ago, like everybody else in the industry. There are reasons why we don’t see the 24/7 devs, that sleep in offices, lives of crackers and coffee come out and introduce the next windows version, same goes for every other company. Why not linus?

Also heavy-in developers that are somehow convinced that their developing skills match their social skills are/were probably also reason to as why there was ever talks about toxic linux communities

I prefer people not having a marketing people putting words in people mouths. Linus not having used one makes him seem more like an actual person instead of just another marketing team like most people


The man definitely needs a break. I don’t see his attitude as a problem. Not enough devops/secops people are as straightforward about what needs to be done and what is the proper way to do things. If more people took issues head on the way he does businesses wouldn’t be so garbage with their software and security. Manners don’t work when dealing with idiots which I imagine he deals with a lot of them. That being said, I do think he’s reached a peak of angry ranting which is a bit unnecessary and definitely needs some time away to reset and get a fresh outlook.

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