Linus Torvalds Taking A Break

Oh how things change.
Just watched his fuck nvidia lecture from 2012 last night.

“People who get offended deserve to be offended”.

  • Linus Torvalds, 2012

he also made the point in said video that people need to know how he feels about patches, etc. so that they don’t waste their or his time going down a path that won’t fly. hence being blunt about it.

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Fluency is nothing to do with cultural upbringing.

Aussies are fluent in english too (at least as fluent if not more than Americans, we even use the correct spelling of words). However here, often the more crude the abuse thrown at a person generally the closer the relationship.

Fluency is nothing to do with this.

Finns, like Aussies, call it how they see it without a filter. I suspect, like us, they see the language filter as an impediment to communication. And it is. You’re altering your tone/output/whatever to meet some arbitrary (and changing) standard that caters to increasingly sensitive cry-babies, rather than stating how you really feel. And potentially the severity of your message is lost.

It’s the equivalent of being forced to write code for the compiler in fucking visual basic rather than assembler (and thus reducing performance considerably) because some fucktard on your team can’t handle it.

People choose to be offended.


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Wow, I hope someone covers the female dominated hair salon community. What an outrage those statistical graphs cause. It’s blatant disregard for equal opportunity. I just can’t function without complaining about something I have no control over! Ahhhhhhhhh!

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You do have control, by not perpetuating the myth that women aren’t suited for STEM jobs due to genetics or temperance, they will be encouraged to go into those lines of work. Slowly but surely that will fix the problem.


Everyone is free to choose their job. When someone does not like to work in STEM jobs, they won´t.
Simple as that.

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Why aren’t men nurses or flight attendents? Same problem. Some professions are seen as linked to specific sexes. This has a huge impact. Only changing our perception and how we teach our kids can change that.


You present that as fact, question is: Is that true?
Or is it that biology is not wrong and there are differences in brain structure leading to different interests between genders?
(We are derailing this thread hard right now)

Yes, it’s true. Some jobs are seen as linked to one sex or the other. That isn’t debatable.

Biology isn’t wrong, your interpretation of it is.

This thread was derailed a LONG time ago!

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Elaborate. Write me a long PM explaining the issue with my interpretation is.

Don´t claim me wrong and then pass on correcting me.


I’ll pass.

Bad choice of example. Flight attendants used to be solely male.

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You’re trying to argue perception. That, by definition, is debatable.

You’re constantly trying to redefine the bounds of this discussion when your point starts to fall apart. Either educate yourself enough to back up your argument, provide evidence to convince your opponent or stop arguing about it.

Biology is never wrong. @MazeFrame’s interpretation, from the evidence I’ve seen so far, isn’t either. Men and women tend to choose different career paths because men tend to be more analytical and women tend to be more empathetic. This leads women to tend to choose the caring professions; services roles, healthcare (which they absolutely dominate), etc…

The Scandinavian countries are proof of this. They have zero institutional barrier, yet the gender representation gap has only increased.


That and men today are both… choices of examples on this topic are always interesting as they are always very selectively picked. similar for the variables used to back arguments which tend to leave out other variables which go against the particular argument. (@SgtAwesomesauce points this out a little).

Its not a one reason is the cause issue.

generally woman lean in a set of directions slightly different from men, this has some sway in careers.
Women generally also look after children more than men, makes sense, so you take off some women who prefer raising children then going to work after they’ve grown up.
men tend to go more labour intensive work, physical build has some sway in this.
some roles some women are sexist against men and put off men, and some roles some men are sexist against women.

you can’t deal in absolutes with this when it has so many variables that contribute to it.

Maybe one thing we could do is stop suggesting a particular route is a bad choice. Stay at home mum, start at home dad, geo man or woman, nurse or barber, why are choosing or not choosing any of these bad if that’s the thing someone wants to do?

This is way off topic…


Because since the feminist movement in the 60s that was all about women’s lib, it is now expected that women also work (i.e., BOTH parents now work), thus pushing up the cost of living and meaning that now, if you DON’T work, but stay at home to actually raise your children properly (whether you’re male or female), you’re considered a slacker.

GG Bois

I’m fairly certain we went over this on the CoC thread, which this is not. Please keep CoC discussion in the CoC thread.

That said, the TL;DR version of why it doesn’t work is you cannot retroactively remove consent. For anything. (in this case, consent is your grant of license of code to the Linux project)

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Considering the thread is coming on one month. Is there any news on Linus ? I haven’t noticed any news.

He had an interview recently and basically said ‘there will not be any ejections of devs, and those who make that a prominent action will be removed’ and there was talk of Coraline Ada being an ass or something.

Thats 2 weeks ago now.


Linus Torvalds takes a stand.


No disrespect intended to Greg Kroah-Hartman, but I can’t wait until kernel 4.19 is finally released, so that we can get back to business as usual. Linus has been in witness protection for far too long.