Level1SpaceTechs (astronomy)

wow, god i hope.

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85,000 people are watching


was coming to post the full vid, I'm down to go to mars forever!

I use a similar concept in Kerbal Space Program all the time. It just makes sense,

deleted - off topic

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I dunno if I posted this months ago but @Atomic_Charge charge saw it. This is how they should advertise for missions like the rosetta mission to get public support behind it. Fucking amazing short movie.


Agreed, amazing short!

I heard that they are going to crash the probe very soon

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Lets watch shit go down! FOR SCIENCE!

I heard they are going to turn it off before impact.
When Near landed on Eros on they got amazing pics and data.
Why lose such an oportunity?
From: http://behindtheblack.com/behind-the-black/points-of-information/rosettas-final-descent-to-comet-67pc-g/
"Update: It appears the reasoning behind the crash/shutdown of Rosetta’s systems is apparent to comply with, you guessed it, government regulations."
The crab nebula does not have a magnetar but the pulsar in the center still has a wicked fast rotating magnetic field that gives the nebula it's weird greenish glow

Cool Solar Storm:

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Doesn't matter. We will see it closing in on the comet and the scientists have enough data to study for decades right now.

We will never know what the camera missed:(


Goodbye Rosetta, for now..

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This is how fast everything would go if you were to travel at the speed of light. This is like 45 min long video so... watch out

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Some people say Diamonds are girl's best friend. But this is the sort of diamonds that are man's best friend.

What am I looking at? Pulse jet?