Level1 News October 9 2018: Cloud-Pository

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/private-video-11

News video:

One tab:


Good to see the full crew back together for the news. Should be a good week :slight_smile:

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Limit Theory

There are several development videos from the early builds up until December of 2014:

While later updates were limited to text posts on the forums.

Personally, if I had been one of the lower tier backers, I wouldn’t see anything to complain about; as a primarily procedural game, the source code is the most interesting part to me, and it sounds like we’ll be getting that. Although I wish we could just get the whole repo with commit history, since that might help make the source code more understandable:

It’s not a working game, and in my frenzy to get things working I’ve left huge swaths of code in a half-refactored or half-complete state. But releasing it is the least I can do.

In my mind, at least, this is the only honourable way to end an unsuccessful project that was crowd-funded: apologise, and release what you did so far. I can only hope that the community will pick up where he left off, and maybe in a few years we’ll have an open source gaming staple.

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push it to the limit


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The real reason I know that reference:


Hmm, that remote looks just like the ones to my light bulbs…

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