Level1 News November 7th 2017: Angry Birds Down Under | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-november-7th-2017-angry-birds-down-under


On the Russia VPN issues, how well does TOR exist in both Russia and China. Is that an viable option to skirt the bans?

Another huge hit from the Republican tax plan is for post-graduate students. It looks like it’s absolutely going to gut the stipend that students get, depending on whether or not the universities react appropriately and spend more of their own money to protect the students… though I’m sure that’s likely.

Regarding the neural network generated faces:

The reason that the faces are all attractive is probably because of something discovered in an interesting study concerning criminal profiling. Back since before the time of Neitzsche it was thought that unattractive people were morally depraved. There was a funny story about someone judging Neitzsche’s character by his homely face; to which he replied “You know me?”. Much later there was a more scientific study with the intention of testing the notion; that came across an interesting result. They took the likenesses of a large number of criminals to average them into the “face of moral depravity”. This sounds like BS but it’s part of Robert Sapolsky’s lectures on the Stanford You Tube page. People were actually that stupid. The interesting result is that all of the attempts resulted in really attractive images. Many followups of this study suggested that attractiveness was more or less based upon an average of human characteristics. We actually see the norm as attractive; for the most part.

There is however some appeal to novelty. Small flaws are often seen as attractive. For instance Cindy Crawford’s mole or Brook Shields’s eyebrows. These are things that these AI axioms aren’t accounting for. There is just too much symmetry in the individual examples. There is too much averaging. It’s probably fixable with a final pass of mild randomization though. There should also be randomly distributed flaws as well to create a more realistic crowd. It’s probably just a distribution issue. It’s high side of the uncanny valley; because they are unrealistically attractive.

That being said, I’m not sure that they are just a few tweaks away from nailing it. You see part of our perception of beauty is the lack of contrasting information. These faces aren’t really realistic. There is a part of the brain located under the boundaries of the frontal and temporal lobes, that processes gustatory responses. Bruit force steering away from those responses is kind of cheating the uncanny valley. The before mentioned part of the brain also produces the response associated with the uncanny valley. That part of the brain is stimulated when experiencing something that is perceived to be creepy or a little off. If they make the necessary tweaks, and the images aren’t unsettling, then they’ve nailed it. Otherwise, they’re still valley images.

I’ve been doing portraits for a long time; and the uncanny valley is something that all portrait artists struggle with. That’s one of the reasons that people tend to choose attractive people to paint. It’s literally easier; and has a better chance of being appreciated for it’s “realism”.

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Uncle Ryan is an unending fountain of glorious knowledge and proverbs. :smiley:

We really need some new “Stop Buying Apple Products” shirts again. :stuck_out_tongue:

According to this article qualcom is in the proces of taking over NXP witch is specializing in chips for the automotive industrie

AMD had a chance if they had bothered to release Vega 56 chips to AIB’s… could have certainly made some serious penetration, instead they buggered the launch of Vega so bad NVidia had plenty of time to make 1070Ti happen.

When I think of Razer I think of the BSG movie.

Crap youtube was at 0,75 speed almost called an emotional help line for them, they sounded like ready to jump of a ledge.

@ibert is dit de derde nederlander op het forum?

Whats AIB

Partners, like Sapphire

I think there are more
volgens mij zijn er meer

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