Level1 News November 6 2018: Let Me Smash (Your Ports) | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-november-6-2018-let-me-smash-your-ports
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Get a soda stream and pull a BigCliveDotCom and make white trash champagne by running the wine through it.

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I recently tried some white wine myself, and I definitely have to agree with Ryan’s assessment.

F for wendell

and how many times will krista use the wedding excuse??

Repek for Ryan going HAM on that bottle early

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Ryan and alcohol is always an entertaining result. Good show!
Also comedy gold when he emulates big business such as Intel on that fake trail video.

Concerning those who say “I only watch when Wendell is here” or whatnot… I understand why Wendell picked both Ryan and Kreestuh and value their additions to the community. Having Wendell on camera is a sufficient condition, but not necessary one for me to get my news/infotainment.

[edit: spelling errors]

Regarding the new UK tech company tax.

Video cuts short, but basically, the last time the government tried to introduce a similar tax, nicknamed “The Google Tax”, Google, and most others, convinced them they were exempt from it.

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is that a pam joke?

Drink every time the background images flicker


As in Pluggable Authentication Module? No, it was more a logic joke.

But, it … I thought that … dammit

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I’ve probably gone and fucked up, drinking rum and checking exams.

Who here #rumdrinker?


Ryan is the best