Level1 News May 4 2018: Creepy Guys and Creepier Dolls | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-may-4-2018-creepy-guys-and-creepier-dolls
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“I’d like to imagine all those water guns are filled with piss” - OK R Kelly.

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Reading the Uranus article:

… Uranus’ two hemispheres were taken with the Keck telescope in July 2004.

I kind of lolled. But, you see, Keck telescope exists. And indeed, has taken pictures of Uranus. So I lolled again.

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How do I turn the voice off on the Real Doll… easy, ball gag!

Western Europe Automation Wastelands? Hey Ireland here, yeah totally happening. I remember my mum at one time applying to be a “baker” in a bread factory, making rolls and french sticks. There were 4 people in the entire warehouse factory. They basically fed and maintained the machines. Thankfully she did not take it. Edit: Oh yeah this was in the 90’s… We have quite a lot of these set ups already and more all the time.

Okay, Automation can replace maybe 50% of western job, perhaps much more.

But a lot of those jobs are either directly or indirectly involved in making/ processing things for consumers.

Once automated, the consumers of those items won’t have jobs to buy said products…

So do we all go full “Inferno” to reduce the population to a level that can co-exist with universal automation?

Oh, and automation has been a thing since what, the printing press? The watermill?

A room full of computers apparently had a very different meaning just 80 years ago…



The recycler story:
I don´t get the feeling the court underdstood what those recovery discs are. And the way Microsoft presented it, it looked like he counterfit so many thousand functioning OSs, wich is not what he did.
This whole thing kind screams profit over environment and puts a dangerous precedent out there.

If the license is with the computer, then I will make sure to allways keep 51% of my old PC in order to never have to buy a new license. If it is with the owner, then I am good forever, right?

First of all rather than use a next gen sex robot I’d rather fap the rest of my life. No to the tech so loved in Japan.

Secondly in regards to Uranus I have no plans to go there so I don’t care that it smells like rotten eggs.

Finally as for other stuff I came here to comment on the show from yesterday but found this first so moving on elsewhere.

Just wanted to add this link

Not that I know what Matcha is but still