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On the topic of stem cells: Mel Gibson showed up on the Joe Rogan podcast like a couple months ago to talk about the incredible healing abilities of lab-grown adult stem cells. Mel brought up an interesting story about how he took his crippled 90 year old father to a specialist in Panama for stem cell injections ten years ago, and his father is now 100 years old much spryer than he ever use to be.
It sounds all really quite amazing. These lab grown stem cells can apparently do a lot for repairing just about any physical ailment in the human body.
Yes … watched that… still for the rich. Does not matter in the real world. Literally the stuff for the rich does not matter as they literally the only ones that can afford it. A real break through is something that can help anyone…
Hard to find any solid answers from these things seem to go from 2 to 10k, but like 2-2,5k from unfucking 1 knee
Do another try with that penis?
and it maybe temporary
Was really expecting an orbitz ad after Krista sounded surpised they were still around.
They got hacked recently… in the news. No one seems to be able to secure all the data slurping that has been going on for awhile now.
I can’t wait for wearable MRI porn.
Time to update the level 1 news playlist?