Level1 News March 22 2019: What Your Eye Color Says About Mark Zuckerberg's Net Worth | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-march-22-2019-what-your-eye-color-says-about-mark-zuckerbergs-net-worth

I bet Krista does all those “Which Lord Of The Rings character are you?” FB quizzes.

posted the cock camera in the nsfw section of 2 discords im in yesterday for science. 4 peoples have responded with some form of “i need it” so far. maybe their is a market for it?

The quote is: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste” ~ Rham Emanuel

(objective reality)

Modern theory accepts the fact that the observer is part of the observation. Maybe it’s not that there is no objective reality. Maybe it’s that observation is subject to relativity as well; so the existence of objectivity is beyond the perceptual tools of the observer.

I’m concerned that many of these types of studies are used to promote Relativism or Postmodernism. Not connecting the observer to the observation was pretty careless; and in my view, it makes it suspect.

Einstein said “Perception is everything”. It’s now well understood that there is no such thing as objective observation. This study managed to get the central dogma completely backward. The results are much more interesting than the inference.