Level1 News June 14 2019: See Spot. See Spot Enslave Humanity. | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-june-14-2019-see-spot-see-spot-enslave-humanity

PRO TIP for Ryan: Buy an old abandoned school for cheap, then unload your army of cats upon the place. Those cats will play a long game of “eat every rodent on the property”. Now you have a kick ass office. Or a house-school.

[edit]I made that previous message before seeing this story, BTW. I watch these videos in small chunks in my free time.

Oh god, the names the AI came up with were hilarious… imagine calling the vets with 2 cats and their names are on this list:

Scat Cat Butthole
The Cream
Dr Fart
Fudge Putty

Ryan missed a great opportunity at 36:50 mark or so… they will work on givin ya the hook.

Michio Kaku once said that it makes more sense to explore the galaxy with a distribution of drones; than any type of manned space flight. Also the smaller the craft, the faster it can move; considering relativity. So, a large distribution of small drones may be the manner in which other life in the galaxy would explore and log the galaxy.

If the drones were of some type of AI, nano-tech, cellular automena, where they could pool their resources in a cluster and distribute, they might also be much less detectable.

In the 90s it was estimated that 95% of all UFO reports were either fraud or explainable by other means. More recently, it’s obviously gotten much, much worse. There is however a large number of accounts that cannot be easily explained away. The accounts of objects that appear to be under intelligent control are fairly numerous.

Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if there were a few alien drones in our back yard; from time to time. I suspect that this is how we will explore the galaxy.


The dodgeball research thing seems pretty baseless. It seems that all sports are born of behavioral predispositions. Too often “researchers” get it backward. The belief that behavior is a result of choice is not one that is scientifically supported. That research paper is a likely candidate for recycling on one of those big rolls.