Level1 News January 9 2018: Mispredictions & The Double Dutch | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-january-9-2018-mispredictions-double-dutch

So moderate…and then you went off the rails. I don’t even know :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The story about the leasing of infrastructure is interesting. It’s been the ISPs position over and over again that they only upgrade the infrastructure that they themselves have control of. It’s in their interest to have control of as much infrastructure as possible due to property rights.

They have done some upgrades on their side but no upgrades have occurred on the poles ore even last mile. Their behaviors seem to suggest that they feel that they were tricked into actually spending at least some of the subsidies on real, public infrastructure that they really have no control over.

It seems like what ever happens, they are likely to have a strategy that includes maximized control of infrastructure… due to their own behaviors.

I guess Ajit Pai’ won’t be showing his face at any public events. He must be getting more death threats than Donald Trump at this point.

Germany hate speech law is a real slippery slope think. I really don’t think it is a good idea. It doesn’t really go well with Macron 's plans.

Those Moreno Dominatrixes are going to be rich.

Those 8th gen intel cores with the Vega chipset are going to be interesting for people who want slim form factor laptops without larger exterior GPU’s. I can image Apple buying these things for their “mid tier” priced laptops. Though I have to wonder how they will compare to AMD’s mobile Ryzen APU’s which were just announced like… yesterday? Ryzen’s mobile APU would have much better integration between CPU cores and the embedded GPU. Makes me wonder where Nvidia sits in all of this? Could intel pen a deal to also make an Nvidia variation?

Exo-suits sounds pretty cool. I want one for my own personal use.

Level1 News: It’s not news if it is not depressing.

I was thinking the CDC guide would be get into your tesla turn on air filtration and drive in the opposite directing till you run out of power. Then die slowly over the next 2 weeks. :slight_smile:

“so turn off js everybody!”

Yeah… I’ve been using NoScript for ages, so…

Ah I didn’t get the joke. I am the 50% >_>

Like what was is said in today’s L1 new turning off JS breaks most of the web. Still I have JS off and only on when whitelisted. Adblock plus and privacy badger.

I kind resigned myself to not use sites I not trust and like I think Ryan said most news sites are insane JS/ adblock checking dumpsters on the internet. I just dont use them anymore.

Yeah, kinda the same, although there are some sites I trust to the extent that I allow their self hosted scripts however wont enable any of those 3rd party script hosts. A fairly limited amount of sites though. Even more limited is the group of sites I white-list completely, such as Level1Techs, then again most of them tend to be self-contained anyways.

Nice vid again. I’ve been trading cryptos for quite a while now and it has (so far) been a devent runup. I also believe - as you guys have mentioned - that BTC will be replaced in the long run, maybe by projects like Cardano or RaiBlocks, but this remains to be seen. (That being said, Cardano is rather expensive right now as is RaiBlocks)

Attempting again to add value to the German hate speech law discourse. Because it may be telling something about ourselves, and it is important to practice a keen mind to looking at things from different perspectives (while not necessarily relativising them), well, this time the moral foundations theory.

People learn to prefer certain moral foundations over others. People are also born with some preferences hardwired into them to a variable degree.

This book from 2012 kind of puts it in an interesting perspective of contemporary political discourse.

What I’m actually intent on saying here is, liberals, socialists, and conservatives (and everybody else) all have moral ground, yet based on variable foundations. Except, with globalism, one can see how the liberal ideas, based in economy won such a big victory that everyone else (right and left conservatives) felt betrayed and disappointed that no one supported, or at least very badly supported their views on the world. And you can’t have non-liberal politics value easily, if the economy itself is liberal. This gave way to populism - politicians trying to address the symptoms but not daring to upset the liberal economy order by addressing the causes. This in turn paved the way to extreme right and extreme left populism. The shit looked really good on paper, but someone forgot to show that same paper to the voters who were seeing the world based on their own moral foundations, not based on a cargo cult checklist the politicians are using to decide how well they are doing.

We simply have a majority of people who are not liberal and are disappointed out of their minds with what’s going on around them. And a bunch of extremists exploiting it, and being exploited to further the ego trip of their echo-chamber owners, and further their own sense of being less lonely, or perhaps even, more heroic!

Now we have a multi-way tug of war, teams split along the moral foundations they are able to relate to.

The hate speech trolls are playing out the liberals against the conservatives (plenty of left and right conservatives who aren’t racist) here in a simple game they are too fucking dumb to resolve. Liberals want to let the trolls continue talking. Leftists want to remove the right to troll. And they go on to bash each other. And you know what? They aren’t even using their own words to do it!

And who the fuck is the real enemy? Whoever put those foul words in your mouth. You know, the words which have no other use than to put down other people?

A RANT EXAMPLE: Did we not a while ago let a perfectly good thread about net neutrality on this forum become locked down due to lack of impulse control? Yet someone is controlling those impulses FOR you. So as you bash each other’s moral grounds, you are letting them diminish from under you. And that’s why you can’t have net neutrality. No moral grounds. No impulse control. No net neutrality. Fuck net neutrality. Because I’m too busy… doing what really? Demonstrating lack of impulse control and shit judgement?

We are predisposed to having a variety of moral grounds, and if not all of those are given due respect by the opposing sides, the society suffers. And I am not talking about white nationalists needing the necessary respect to express their romance with a picturesque imaginary rosy past, I am talking about them not giving that necessary respect to everyone else in order to earn a value themselves (because having a set of opinions and genes is just a circus act). Same goes for the SJW, and by god also the extreme hands-off liberals deregulating everything that isn’t nailed to their forehead. Damned circus acts.

There isn’t enough room for the extremes any more. They are bothering everyone else too much, and we can’t rewind. They are there. So they need to be integrated back into the society just like everyone else. How? Probably not all of them by the hate speech laws, but the hate speech laws will help when it comes to those few extremists such laws are effective against, the most easily bothered extremists who actually care about having a non-criminal past (ridiculous as it may seem). The other extremists, some may need to get reasoned with, some shamed, some isolated, some fined, and some need to be incarcerated. Whichever best rocks their boat. Because they are not all the same people. As in they are actual people. Being different and all?

Because just like there are different moral grounds, there are also different causes to why people become extremists, and all of those causes need to be worked on until they are weakened and void. Why do most policies fail? Because they come from a very limited set of moral grounds and address a very limited set of individual causes. Because the current politicians are too fucking dumb to see that their one single cause is not all causes ever. One single cure to a specific illness is not one single cure to all illnesses ever.

And this is the hate speech law right there - I am actually bothered most because it is not about a systemic integration of the extremists into the society, but just about signal politics. Shit head politicians not getting it, again, that making one law harsher is not the same thing as representing any moral ground - it only makes one more law more difficult to enforce by a justice system already under pressure from many other laws already too difficult to enforce. It isn’t enough effort to solve anything, and everyone seems too fucking stupid to see this.

On a principle, I am not against the hate speech law, as I have pointed out and argued on multiple occasions, its just that the formulation and the execution of the law must end up efficient and actually meaningful - law is a tool to augment and support common morals and values in a country, and not to replace them.

So what is the problem really with the current discourse? We don’t respect each other’s moral grounds enough to build a future together? Which is fucking crazy, given that we really (oh yeah, REALLY) need to be inclusive of each other - to let each other support and improve one another, as opposed to crap on one another, for no good reason. No reason at all. To be good stewards of our society. And it is rather the non-extreme normal people who remain in the majority, and they’ve just had it up to here with fucktards throwing food over the table at each lunch. Someone will get punched. There are indeed some people who have very weak moral ground, as in either not a single one strong moral foundation, or missing a few pillars (and/or screws) altogether, and will just keep fucking with everyone else until they are made to stop. And to stop them, we may need to have just enough impulse control not to take sides which aren’t our sides to take.


“Google blocks pirate search results prophylactically”

This was happening during Mayweather vs. Conor fight, live

your statement can be summarized with a tiny blurb. people that have no moral code or fiber are a dumpster fire waiting to happen. and zealots are even worse because they think that there is only one proper way to live life.

and to the moderates… sometimes you have to pick a side or take a stand. You have to take the fight the enemy or get taken out in the crossfire.


is just not good enough to protect yourself.


@wendell @ryan I hate writing long essays like this but bear with me, I don’t have the time to keep it short :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you have got the whole NetzDG thing in Germany a little wrong (or maybe I’m not up to date either, maybe some other Germans can elaborate). But as I understand the whole thing this isn’t a censoring mechanism for “hate speech” as some people may define it. This is not for the typical “your mom” bullshit that people tend to associate with “hate speech” these days.

The point is not to take down any content they like. The point is to take down content that is actually against the law in Germany. And to add to that, most of the reports and take-down notices are actually user based and not government based, but that just as a side note.

In the past Facebook (and probably others too, but that was the main focus because… you know… Facebook) just did not care at all about actual illegal content (read: content illegal in Germany), because they thought they were a foreign company with their data not stored in Germany, so they’re basically untouchable right?

At some point they just had enough of it. They gave them what 2 years or something to remedy the situation. In the mean time there were also a few court rules on the EU side of things that changed the landscape regarding local laws and international companies a bit. And granted Facebook did set up a department that reviews the reports (which by the way was outsourced to a German company and those guys need serious psychological care), but it wasn’t nearly enough to deal with the reports and control the issue at hand.

So after Facebook failed to take the issue seriously they decided to put it into a law with some hefty fines attached to it (which by the way they said way ahead of time, so Facebook had their chance). This is also why this thing is commonly known as the “Facebook law”, but they could hardly make a law for a single private company, so Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz it is. And seriously, communities of 2mio+ people won’t affect a whole lot of communities and usually they have staff to deal with this sort if stuff already, Facebook just didn’t care.

This thing is/was meant mainly to uphold a certain moral standard that people (read: other countries) feel Germans are responsible to oblige to because of some slight mishap of some Austrian ass-hole some 70 years ago.

And this is also the reason why the people here actually welcome this thing. It’s not that they want censorship, history knows Germany has had it’s fair share of that.

Sidenote to the 88’’ LG OLED: The Olympics in 2020 are supposed to be broadcast in 8K. Which technically is not 8K, but that’s the same with 4K soooo… whatever, we all know what they mean.

Ford exosuit… didn’t you report about something like that already a while ago? Pretty sure I remember something like that…

@wendell @ryan As an Apple Tech, I can actually shed a bit more light on the iMac Pro

Imac pro does actually use a standard 2066 socket, but the retention is done by the heatsink so its literally just the LGA socket and thats it. CPU wise, the processors that ship inside the imac Pro are just underclocked versions of intels regular Xeon W Lineup. Imac CPU’s have the W-XXX0B designation in their name.
W2140B - 3.2GHZ vs W2145 - 3.7GHZ
W2150B - 3.0GHZ vs W2155 - 3.3GHZ
W2170B(probably) - 2.4-2.6GHz vs W2175 - 2.7-2.9GHZ(probably)
W2190B(probably) - 2GHz vs W2195 - 2.3GHZ
I put down “probably” because we dont have exact details on those yet.
In terms of upgradability, you should be able to put in any of the Xeon W series chips and it should work. i7/i9 CPU’s will not work here. Also, thermals will be a huges issue. Even if you do upgrade manually, you’ll make the CPU thermal throttle easily, and even with fan control software theres only so much you can do. Its possible that you may need to spoof the CPU-ID on some regular Xeon W chips in order to get OSX to cooperate but hardware wise they should work no problem.

Standard DDR4 EEC Desktop/Server DIMM’s, but lol good luck getting to them! at least they include 32GB as standard on these, which is enough for 80-90% of folks out there.

This one gets interesting.

According to Apple’s internal GSX article, the SSD setup in the iMac Pro isn’t standard relative to other macs.

the 2X SSD’s inside the machines are setup in a sort-of hardware RAID0, but the SSD themselves arent really SSD’s. The SSD’s appear to actually be more like NAND chips on a PCB, while the controller itself sits on the Logic Board. Each one uses NVME and PCIe so theres fuckloads of speed there. The Controller also encrypts all data by default, and each pair of SSD’s are also paired to each individual controller, suggesting that the encryption keys are tied to each individual SSD and that the encryption key is also stored locally on the controller.

WHat does this mean?

SSD Upgrades and Data Recovery will NOT be possible to do at home. And if you do replace the SSD’s, unless you had a time machine backup all your data is completely fucked. You’ll also need special software to pair the new SSD’s to the controller.

Basically, according to the GSX repair article:

  • If the SSD positions are swapped ( #2 goes into Slot 1 and vice versa):
    –data is fucked
  • If only a single SSD is replaced
    –data is fucked
  • If either one of the SSD’s fail:
    –Data is fucked
  • If SSD controller dies:
    –encyption key is gone, data is fucked
  • If you remove both SSD’s and try to read them manually
    –no encryption key, data is fucked
  • if you remove both SSD’s and place them into another imac pro:
    –wrong encryption key, data is fucked
  • if you place both SSD’s into a new imac pro and manage to pair the SSD’s with the new logic board:
    –old data gets overwritten, new encryption keys get created, SSD’s cant be used with original imac pro due to loss of encryption keys on the SSD’s
  • If you upgrade the SSD’s yourself with a different pair:
    –encryption keys for old pair gets overwritten, data on old SSD’s is fucked
  • if the logic board dies
    – encryption keys unreadable, data is fucked
  • If you want to manually pair new SSD’s to a new logic board
    –requires Apple Configurator to do it, requires some extra software as well, basically has to be done through Apple

Basically, this will be a data nightmare for any pro’s who are unfortunate enough to have this machine die on them. I suspect it will die often due to poor thermals on GPU causing GPU failure or high temps causing other components to kill themselves faster. Also, as much as i hate OWC and their garbage SSD’s and Ram, I suspect even they wont be able to properly have an upgrade kit for the imac Pro, probably not for a while.
But at least the imac Pro comes in Space Grey!

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Interesting stuff. I guess it is good your iMac is backed up to the cloud right?

An all in one Mac Pro is a slap in the face to the professional mac users. After the “trash can” and now this. It like apple wants to get rid of the creators as fast as possible and charge the idiots that stay several thousand dollars for profit.

Woo hoo. Another Tooesday or Twosday or is it doosday?

Anyway that aside. I am a euro and I do not want to be lumped in with who ever is calling for more censorship. That is completely against the spirit of then open internet.

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Just to embellish on that: when two sides fight and/or appear to be in a direct conflict, one may get the wrong impression that there are only two sides you can pick from, and that one must pick only from those two. That is a fallacy perpetuated by the alarmistic drama between the said two sides, acted out by those two sides in such a way to make you forget any other sides exist. The amount of sides one can pick from is usually far more than two, and most people immediately feel how bad they fit in the extremes and their emotional make. Its not an acquired taste, it is a deformity due to force-fitting.

Nevertheless, picking a side is indeed a good thing. I am of a mind that it is especially good to pick a third, or even a fourth side worth believing in, and thus making it visible. A side which truly fits your moral foundation, and most people have moral foundations, and should always make sure to make a stand to protect their moral foundations. That is how I think we will make it work, after all the dismal failures of the past few years - we make sure our best, all of our moral foundations are presented and weighed in. If it takes to shut up a querulant paranoid fucktard minority (there is even a damned medical condition related to querulancy) with a full spectrum of delusions so that we can get to that point, it is a clear win.

I for one want other things discussed than the fucking immigration topic (I’m not against immigration, but I am against people discussing it badly and also failing to discuss anything else at all for what, 2 damned years!? Fuck that shit), or the latest alt-right and/or nazi (European nazis really love the US alt-right movement, I think there is some penis envy involved) demonstration, or how Euros are socialist and US are capitalist, the metoo shit (yes it is important, but damnit arrest the fucking rapists, point out the women and men who profited from getting in bed with the rich dicks and thus willingly perpetuated the problems for all the other women, and then lets get on with it). Comparing dicks, fake news, etc. There are far more important topics to discuss. And for as long as we can’t pick the important topics, we remain in a limbo of having tape over our mouth yet having a strong need to scream, flailing madly at everyone to just shut up for a moment and look at the other damned topics going to shit due to lack of attention.

I simply pick the side against the extreme shit, and I don’t care that I end up with a mix of moderate liberals, moderate socialists, and moderate conservatives by my side - those are all generally sane and reasonable people who can take in an idea, consider it, maybe add to it or remove from it. Life is a mix of negotiation. We’re all in it together anyway, so why crack the society along the healthy lines? Let Putin at it, that’s his job and not ours to do his dirty work for him. If those people are sick in their head - and it is well known that the extremists in Europe generally suffer from a criminal past, have an ongoing history of various mental illnesses, sociopathy, abuse - perhaps those poor sods will get the necessary vitamin D and/or antidepressant treatment before they land on an island in Norway and kill a hundred children, or go to Syria to throw homosexuals from a tower. Those are very sick people, and we’ll take care of them alright, but mostly so it doesn’t get messy down the road. And most people can function in a society, if they only make the effort and stop tripping. It’s when they start believing they don’t have to adjust that we have a problem. Everyone has to adjust. Everyone.

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