Level1 News February 6 2018: I Plead šŸ†, Your Honor | Level One Techs


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1-news-february-6-2018-i-plead-your-honor

Delivery person costs are way higher than the salary, My guess is that with taxes and healthcare that 20K delivery person probably costs the company 50k a year.

As for the military guy on the drone boat, there are special duty pays and allowances that could give that guy a nice boost in pay. For example there is Cost of Living allowance for higher cost places (Hawaii etc) and things like hazardous duty pay etc.

I always associated :* as kissy face, while :x is like ā€œshouldnā€™t have said that :xā€

I dunnoā€¦


I bet those monkeys were typing :X fro them unable to breath

Yeah that monkey story was dark.

Maybe :x is the face people make after shoving a Tide pod in their mouth?

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Only when you get the sour flavored pods

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That editor needs to suffer, My patreon money pays that momkey, I demand counters in all future videos /s

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I would be extremely cautious about the ā€œBotlerā€ sounds a little too ā€˜final solutionā€™ to me

(Net Neutrality)

The best way to think of it might be considering internet service as not only a market but a subsystem of commerce. ISPs have their fingers in the pie. They are an essential part of commerce in the US. This gives them leverage in Washington. The economists (excepting the Marxians of course) are very concerned about the possible effects of the failures of the major ISPs on the overall economy. For instance, what happens to ad revenue, and all those who depend upon it if a significant percentage of the population no longer has internet? ISPs are a literal chain reaction trigger; when it comes to commerce in the US.

This comes from a plan of several decades to control the infrastructure by becoming the infrastructure. The ISPs have painted themselves into a corner. There is nowhere to go but catastrophic failure. The market is aggregated and saturated; and now itā€™s unstable. Itā€™s a hub for western commerce; and there is no solution to the problem. Now what seems needed is contingencies.

Geeks Without Bounds has been working on ISP coops. Community owned internet access probably the best way to rebuild. Many issues would become non-issues with this model; net-neutrality included.


(Crypto and ICOs)

The stories around it tend to overshadow whatā€™s intended by the creators. For instance, crypto-currency and ICOs both are treated like securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds etc.). The point of crypto-currency is to have a decentralized currency that isnā€™t under oligarchic control. Itā€™s similar with ICOs. ICOs are meant to be decentralized and allow the average person to invest in the first rounds; but itā€™s also to give the average person some say as to what actually goes to market. This is the whole point. They decentralize the nuts and bolts of market economics.

Treating these technologies as just investment opportunities for Joe Blow doesnā€™t get to the crux of why big financeurs hate it. The more decentralized the economy becomes the more complex and unpredictable it becomes. It also means that ā€œstartup cultureā€ (where mega corporations offset risks associated with R&D by buying safe bets) may become a thing of the past. This is bad news for licensed VCs who have been riding the gravy train of investing in them.

There is a lot going on that isnā€™t being covered in the media. The Economic Space Agency has been touting solutions to the extraction as one of their main goals since the beginning. The whole point of these new economic emergences is to de-aggregate the wealth and markets. This is what the researchers are talking about.

Does Krista have a black eye? Fist fighting much?

ā€œI donā€™t knowā€ counter version 0.9 successfully activated! Now weā€™re waitng for version 1.0 :slight_smile:

@wendell I feel your pain.
Maybe you can slow the counting by @kreestuh and @ryan a bit by giving them to much work to attend the recording of the news?

Well, this is the best way I can describe :x
It took me a while to find this again, It has been quite a while since I first saw it.

brb ā€¦ counting the IDK from wendell

Good show this week was gonna say something about not much activity but realized its 9am theday this dropped XD

Has anyone decoded the screws? Sorry if this has already been discussed at lengthā€¦

If you count the first 4 IDKs from wendell at the startā€¦ the count was 15.

So Volkswagen made a gaswagen. Whoā€™s surprised?

Have imagined banks always operating negative because of investing with that stored money, to which sudden coin whims would be very bad

I wasnā€™t wearing makeup that day, so you get to see my glorious dark circles in high definition. :sunglasses:

Also, re:ā€œdonā€™t knowā€-- if youā€™re missing the drinking game, try it with every time me or Ryan say ā€œlikeā€ as our filler word.