Level1 KVM 2 computer single monitor USB issue on one computer

I have a windows 11 computer and a MacOS system on the L1 KVM and I am having trouble with the Mac. I can plugin my keyboard to the hub directly and it works great, if I plug it into the KVM it only works on the Windows box. I can switch the inputs 1 to 2 and it has the same issues. I have identical USB cables running to both. I can’t seem to get it to work.

theres an astonishing lack of details here. Im going to guess the usb connection on the mac side goes through a dock. is that the case? apple, in infinite wisdom I’m sure, doesn’t allow daisy-chained hubs. plug the usb part of the kvm directly into the mac, or into an upstream thunderbolt port on the dock, and that should resolve it.

That seems to be the issue. I plugged the USB from my L1 KVM to the MacBook and it works. I wonder if this is part of the Thunderbolt 4 spec or not.
Additional info for others that are having this problem:

  • Macbook Air M2 2022
  • Sonoma 14.2
  • CalDigit TS4

Right so if you use the thunderbolt upstream port on the caldigit that almost always also works.

Any other arrangmeent is “daisy chained usb hubs” according to apple