Let's fix Arch!

This isn’t even what’s being fixed. I’m following instructions that, defined as is, are expected to work. They do not.

I’ve already written my grievances on the Arch wiki in another thread a long time ago. I’ll spare this thread. Just something I don’t have the heart to do anymore, I guess.

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  1. Are you booted into the installed kernel?

  2. Are you dkms installing it zfs and spl? Dkms is not akmod. You need to manually install it, especially in arch.

P.S. I had to fall back to working on it in a vm because I forgot that arch had some serious things that I don’t like. I want the aur, but not the archiness of it.


Yeah… I am moving forward with Ubuntu and Fedora :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:

Regarding 1, I’m still trying to format the drive as a zpool. Precious wiki doesn’t say anything about booting into the kernel.

All good, my life was gold without Arch and ZFS.


did you try yay for the aur?

It finds all deps and ‘just works’

The manager is not the problem with the AUR, it’s the maintainers.

Yeah, it’s not so much about the aur being difficult, but Arch not having sane defaults. once again, I reiterate, arch does not have sane defaults.

Also this.

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Not easy for Ubuntu grey beards

Cool. I’m hoping ZFS for the zen kernel will stay up-to-date with the rest of ZoL! Considering switching to zen kernel…

OT necro