Legislation for Game Preservation [World Wide]

Attempt to get games to be preserved via legislation that covers multiple countries. Some actions are not live yet.
Action Info site: Stop Killing Games
Video Covering topic:


I am so in love with this. Thank you for bringing it to attention.

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I too enjoy owning things.

edit: Asmongold’s take:


I was wondering when Ross was going to try tackling this problem.
Here’s Muta’s (SomeOrdinaryGamers) response:



Rossman is deep into the forced arbitration stuff rn. I’m sure he’ll get to it.
(edit: i’ve confused Ross for Rossman, but I’m sure Louis will also touch on this)

friendly reminder about ubisoft:

One of the things we saw is that gamers are used to, a little bit like DVD, having and owning their games. That’s the consumer shift that needs to happen. They got comfortable not owning their CD collection or DVD collection. That’s a transformation that’s been a bit slower to happen [in games]. As gamers grow comfortable in that aspect… you don’t lose your progress. If you resume your game at another time, your progress file is still there. That’s not been deleted. You don’t lose what you’ve built in the game or your engagement with the game. So it’s about feeling comfortable with not owning your game."

So it’s about feeling comfortable with not owning your game.
So it’s about feeling comfortable with not owning your game.
So it’s about feeling comfortable with not owning your game.


I actually feel like there is another relevant quote about this particular situation in that very article:

But as people embrace that model, they will see that these games will exist, the service will continue, and you’ll be able to access them when you feel like. That’s reassuring.

As Ross points out they gave him a golden opportunity because of “The Crew”. The outcome of their actions makes people feel the opposite of reassured. I do hope that the recoil from those bad actions does cause change. Also to be clear, he is talking about game subscriptions but I do think the point still holds.

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Until they shut it down… That statement is objectively and demonstrably false, if not an outright lie.

I would say if a game hits EOL, is no longer sold and they want to shut down the servers, then companies should release the server software so people can self-host. So you could run a crew server for you and your friends.

I know it will never happen but that would be the ultimate solution IMO…

It’s not like it would hurt the companies, look at minecraft. You’ve been able to self-host minecraft servers since day one and they have no issues making money. In-fact I’d argue that’s a large part of their success.

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I like this. One of my favourite games of all time was M.A.G. on the PS3… it was like 128x128 players or something? FPS with all kinds of neat stuff to do, giant maps. When Sony killed the servers, that was it.

Conversely, I still like to play Battlefield 4 which I think is only possible because EA permitted third party servers (which ironically tended to have better anticheat that official servers, when they existed).


Oh man I sometimes forget there still BF4 servers. I just logged in and was surprised to see battlelog and the server browser is still up. shit ima play rn! im gonna try get it run on linux.

edit: and we’re up an running with Lutris! That was surprisingly painless…for about 5 minutes: kicked by punkbuster :frowning: lame…


Apparently you can fix this by downloading the pubkbuster binaries directly from evenbalance. Your issue is mentioned on ProtonDB I noticed, frankly I didnt think it would be possible at all.

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Yeah, I’m fighting with it now.

Just installed punkbuster via lurtirs, and I physically replaced new install /pb/ into the /home/<user>/Games/ea-app/drive_c/Program Files/EA Games/Battlefield 4/pb/ folder

and it broke bf4: “The connection with EA Online was lost.” And now the EA App wont connect at all “Connection fialed”

edit: now it’s working… and im not getting kicked! Holy fuck I’m playing BF4 on Linux in 2024! I can’t believe it. im so happy rn, I haven’t played BF4 since Win7 died.

edit: sound design and graphics still hold up a decade later.


If your ping is under 200 I find the banzore servers are pretty well administrated. They usually want video but are responsive to banning griefers and stuff. PM if you want my tag on EA. Enjoy !

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Unfortunate for V.