Legal question Linux Logos

Hey friends,
I am learning graphic design basics, making a portfolio website for myself. Anyway how would I find out if i can use a distro's logo, I want to make a sticker bomb like thing for my website that it just different distros logos. Could I do this without a issues since I will not be making it for profit? How do should I go about finding this information. I do think it is a problem, just want to make sure about things i am ignorant about.

Thanks for any information.

What you will need to do is reach out to the people who handle trademark licensing for each of the distros you were considering and figure out how they handle their IP on an individual basis.

Here is a page with information about how Ubuntu handles the usage of their logo. You could seek the same information for other distros in order to see what you are able to do legally.

Here is a discussion on almost the same subject:

[SOLVED] Use a Logo that falls under GPL Licesnse