Learning with Mike: Synology DSM NAS... Basic Primer... Till RUST Do Us Part! 3-hr LIVE Stream

Hi all

I’ve filed this under hardware as Synology falls between NAS and “SOHO”; it’s debatable if they are considered Enterprise (lol, offering btrfs is sort of an indication hehe…).

Enjoy the stream. It starts to get personal and diverge after about an hour when I engage with my YouTube follower Klaus Werther

Quick things we digressed into

  • My take on Comp Sci vs EEE Engineering.
  • The Ballisong (butterfly knife) that started it all, for me - The Microtech Tachyon, serial no. 0927 manufactured 02/2002
  • We go through my Amazon box cutter collection.
  • More Engineering/Comp Sci talk.

@wendell @SgtAwesomesauce


@wendell joined Patreon too mate, the only one I’m on :wink:

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Woot awesome thanks so much it is appreciated. Soon we shall take over the earth. Also just get more helpers.

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I would be happy to jump to the $19/month plan as my new venture in “White hat hacking” takes off. Also if you ever need a hand on the Ops side for content you’re working on I’d be more than happy to help out.

I’m happy as a pig in mud with this stuff as you know!

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