TL;DR - Does anyone have experience with this subscription?
If so, what can you tell me about it? Anything else you would recommend for learning Electronics or Computer Engineering? Thank you.
Hello L1T,
I am looking to break into the hardware side of Computer Science. I was exposed to electronics and computers at a young age (teenage), but I didn’t start pursuing it as a career and education until my early 20s. I have been Help Desk, Desktop Support, Systems Administrator, QA Engineer, Jr. Web Developer, and Jr. Security Analyst.
Earlier in my education I was majoring in Computer Engineering. The program was phenomenal, it was basically a hybrid of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I ended up transferring out into a softer Computer Science/Software Engineering program due to my job constraints. I have since received my degree. I am very happy with my decision, this post is not about regret, is it about continuing education.
Most of my career has been high level hardware, assembling PCs, racks, and servers. The last couple of years have had a more software focus. I am looking to learn more about the low level hardware part. I have accomplished a few things such as soldering an Ethernet port, repairing an AP that had a loose antenna, and the various Raspberry Pi/Arduino Projects.
My main problem with the above has been that I don’t learn the entire scope from YouTube/pdfs. They gloss over details that I am interested in or I feel might be very important. Books and Textbooks start with a very high technical level of detail and go even higher. I thought with the Raspberry Pi and other embedded projects I would learn a lot, but the documentation was poorly put together or just lacking all together.
I heard a lot of great things about HackerBox. Now, I’ve never had a “Loot Crate” type subscription before, so I’m a little wary on dumping a lot of cash into something like this. What does pique my interest is their starter set.
Does anyone have experience with HackerBox? Or, has anyone started from scratch and became a master of electronics? If so, what entry point did you start with?
Currently I have several screw driver sets, pry-tools, tweezers, the LEDs and Resistors that came with my Pi kit, and a soldering iron, but not much more than that. I am looking to learn about basic electronics, more than Physics taught me, all the way to Microprocessors and Embedded Systems. I realize that with consumer level resources I won’t be able to build a Ryzen system, but I am able to invest heavily into getting pretty damn close.
Thank you for your time. I hope this wasn’t too rambling.