Learn Blender with us!

Started on the A500… would be keen to know if I am going about this the right way, it seems there are an excessive amount of loopcuts here to achieve this shape.

Edit: I continued anyway and here is where I am now at



I’ve been active in blender again lately. Revisiting some of my age-old scenes.

Models, materials and scene by me, HDRI is from Polyhaven.

I hope this is ok to revive, as it’s really not a time-based topic.


I’ll allow it


Neat, I wasn’t aware of that.

I’ve been wanting to learn blender forever. This bump plus shiny new MacBook = excuse to try again.

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Probably the kick in the pants I need too. I have some typography I need to get on with.

Can we reach out to you for tips/pointers?

Can we reach out to you for tips/pointers?

Absolutely, just don’t expect me to be a blender pro either :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah Polyhaven is amazing. All content completely free, licensed under CC0. I just wish their assets were less “specific”. Not sure when I last needed a shiny retro barbershop chair haha


If 1980 had datacenters…

Heavily inspired by another vintage datacenter scene I came across years ago. Finally made my own version.

Most of the detailed assets once again from Polyhaven. The office chairs are from blendswap.


I think I’ll start with some Honeycomb or abstract wallpaper , then do my typography work. Thanks

FYI guys, Blender Guru has a brand new tutorial up for Blender 3.

He’s just published the first 3 tutorials today, here’s my Donut v3.0 so far :slight_smile:

And here’s the first v3.0 tutorial in the series (links the other ones in sequence)

I love the opening comments, lol. So true. though blender 2.8 onwards is a lot less intimidating than it used to be in the 1.0 days :dizzy_face:


Hey guys, I want to start tinkering with blender. I have lots of ACAD Experience but am lost in blender.

I’m trying to draw a circle but it I only see a line.

I would desperately recommend you look at or watch the UI tutorials first to understand how to move/delete/create portions of the window around first; I remember being very unwilling to really experiment with things until I was satisfied I could not accidentally delete the UI, or even if I did I knew how to bring it back.

Also, worth remembering that left-click dragging is a newer feature, so old tutorials may be using the original Blender input method where right click is used to move objects and points around.

Specific to what you are doing though, I suspect that whatever it is that you are drawing is inside that sphere, the easiest thing to do would be to either move (shortcut G, I think)/delete (shortcut X) the sphere, or enable wireframe mode (shortcut Z).

If you detest shortcuts, I think Space is what opens the search box, where you can type the name of any command.


Definitely recommend following through the tutorial series from Blender guru on YouTube linked above.

He explains things well and blender is really freaking difficult to learn by yourself as the UI has a heap of (blender specific) quirks.

And yeah any tutorial for blender versions prior to 2.8 or so will use the old UI methodology (right click select for example) which is even more confusing.

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I have watched a few but he doesn’t use the menus and do the animations i want to do

Unfortunately you’re going to need to learn to walk before you can run in blender. Do some of them anyway to learn the UI and modelling quirks first, is my recommendation.

Knowing other 3d software likely isn’t going to help you so much with blender.

I did a thing today . . .

The blender tutorial I followed was :

The .svg that was in the tutorial is no longer available, so i had to get an .eps file and open it in Inkscape then convert to .svg then dump it into blender.

Was fun and learn some things in Blender with lighting that I used to do with Cinema4d back in the day. Blender has come a long way…


So you all have seen my fantastic burger… :laughing:

I’m going to do a couple more tutorials.

First :

Then I want to try :

I’m curious if @kreestuh has tried anything with Blender? Also, is there a Level1Techs svg ?

This one is for the team ! :partying_face:
It’s an animation as well, so I’ll work on posting that next.


Not sure if okay to resurrect this thread, but I started getting into Blender again a couple of days ago and have been at work. After going through the new donut tutorial for 3.0, I followed a tutorial to make this small bedroom scene.

I’m pretty proud of it. Lots of little modelling tasks. Working on a sword now.

Rendered in Cycles with the OpenImageAI (not Optix) denoiser.