Hi, my Lenovo gaming 3 (15IMH05) turns off when unplugged, but battery says it’s charged to a 100%. I checked in software it’s health and it says ~87% of original capacity is still usable, battery voltage 12+V. Is that motherboard problem, or maybe BMS on the battery is lying? Anyone had similar problem?
Though of buying another battery its just 40Eur, but if its not the problem then that would suck, is there a way to check before buying? I tried to measure if it actually has voltage, but the connector is microscopic compared to my tester.
I run fedora on it, is there any trouble shooting software on linux?
Chances are good it’s just the battery or the bms! 4 - 6 years is when batteries are expected to fail / start having issues and if you bought your pc brand new… the battery is 4.5 years old. Batteries are considered a consumable hence why they have only a 1 year warranty and not part of the laptop’s warranty and have their own.
I agree, I had a laptop do the same thing and replacing the battery worked for me. There is likely one cell in the battery pack that goes open under a load which kills the power to the motherboard which brings the whole system down instantly.
You guys were right, I just got and replaced the battery and it works now, so it was a faulty battery.
Extremely common issue with used batteries weather it’s in a laptop / phone / car / iot! Glad you got it sorted out!