Laptop modification!

I love laptop modding!

Buckle up, this one is a pretty extensive overhaul:

  • Had a Clevo W230SS str8 from the factory

  • Screen, KB died. the ZIF connectors fried, no replacing them without ultrasonic and heat gun, didn't bother

  • I Bought an SFF chassis to put it in to use as a ghetto AIO, plopped it under the monitor

  • Badly binned GPU was the next to go, replaced it with a 290 using an mPCIe breakout

  • Power delivery gave up the ghost after a time, Hacked in requisite voltages with an old seasonic PSU and like 20 boost/buck converters

  • Board died soon after, Threw it out, replaced it with an mATX board, an i7 and some value RAM

Now it runs better and cooler than it ever did unmodified. In fact, I'd say it's more customize-able, useful for productivity, and user serviceable than ever before! I highly recommend this mod to anyone with an old laptop!

Heck, you could even skip the first step and save some cash!