Can anyone help point me in the right direction?
I currently have 2 VM’s setup on my arch desktop. One is windows 10, one is windows 7.
The spice interface is very laggy in windows 7 only; and pretty buttery smooth in windows 10, even though they are both pretty much identical XML files.
I did notice that it appears worse when there is a larger amount of things on screen (Such as opening a .net project; the lag gets significantly worse) so thought perhaps this was due to Win7 Ryzen compatability. I tried to follow guide to use a piece of software called ppmpanel to alter the power settings hidden in windows (apparently performance increases for Ryzen, though it had no effect & not really meant for VM’s)
I am using a Ryzen 1700x, and installed all virtio drivers, spice drivers, guest tools on both VM’s.
Any help much appreciated, XML below
<domain type="kvm">
<memory unit="KiB">8192000</memory>
<currentMemory unit="KiB">8192000</currentMemory>
<vcpu placement="static">8</vcpu>
<type arch="x86_64" machine="pc-i440fx-4.2">hvm</type>
<bootmenu enable="no"/>
<relaxed state="on"/>
<vapic state="on"/>
<spinlocks state="on" retries="8191"/>
<vpindex state="on"/>
<runtime state="on"/>
<synic state="on"/>
<stimer state="on"/>
<reset state="on"/>
<vendor_id state="on" value="other"/>
<frequencies state="on"/>
<reenlightenment state="on"/>
<tlbflush state="on"/>
<ipi state="off"/>
<evmcs state="off"/>
<vmport state="off"/>
<ioapic driver="kvm"/>
<cpu mode="host-passthrough" check="none"/>
<clock offset="utc">
<timer name="hypervclock" present="yes"/>
<suspend-to-mem enabled="no"/>
<suspend-to-disk enabled="no"/>
<disk type="file" device="disk">
<driver name="qemu" type="raw" cache="none" io="native"/>
<source file="/home/sarutael/Desktop/W7.raw"/>
<target dev="vda" bus="virtio"/>
<boot order="1"/>
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x04" function="0x0"/>
<controller type="pci" index="0" model="pci-root"/>
<controller type="virtio-serial" index="0">
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x05" function="0x0"/>
<controller type="usb" index="0" model="ich9-ehci1">
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x02" function="0x7"/>
<controller type="usb" index="0" model="ich9-uhci1">
<master startport="0"/>
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x02" function="0x0" multifunction="on"/>
<controller type="usb" index="0" model="ich9-uhci2">
<master startport="2"/>
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x02" function="0x1"/>
<controller type="usb" index="0" model="ich9-uhci3">
<master startport="4"/>
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x02" function="0x2"/>
<controller type="sata" index="0">
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x09" function="0x0"/>
<interface type="direct">
<mac address="00:50:56:3e:7d:1c"/>
<source dev="enp6s0f0" mode="bridge"/>
<model type="virtio"/>
<link state="up"/>
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x08" function="0x0"/>
<channel type="spicevmc">
<target type="virtio" name="com.redhat.spice.0"/>
<address type="virtio-serial" controller="0" bus="0" port="1"/>
<input type="tablet" bus="usb">
<address type="usb" bus="0" port="1"/>
<input type="mouse" bus="ps2"/>
<input type="keyboard" bus="ps2"/>
<graphics type="spice" autoport="yes">
<listen type="address"/>
<image compression="off"/>
<gl enable="no" rendernode="/dev/dri/by-path/pci-0000:0b:00.0-render"/>
<sound model="ich6">
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x06" function="0x0"/>
<model type="qxl" ram="65536" vram="65536" vgamem="65536" heads="1" primary="yes"/>
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x03" function="0x0"/>
<redirdev bus="usb" type="spicevmc">
<address type="usb" bus="0" port="2"/>
<memballoon model="virtio">
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x07" function="0x0"/>