L1T KVM with Keyboard over Cat 5 USB Network Extender

Not sure if this is the right subforum, but here goes. I have a L1T KVM in a machine room 20 feet from where my keyboard and mouse is. I’m currently using a USB Network Extender plus hub connected to the non HID USB port on the KVM for my mouse and keyboard and it works fine when I switch computers. I’d love to be able to control the kvm with hotkeys, and was wondering if anyone has successfully set up a network extender using the HID ports? I tried and wasn’t able to get it to work - the keyboard was unresponsive. But am hoping maybe there’s some hardware combo out there that can get this to work.

Thanks in advance for your time.

pretty sure wendell had a pikvm issuing remote commmands in a video

You need a usb2 extender with no hub in it for hid. Control. Then works fine

Thank you for your reply! I’ll give this a shot

Thanks again for the tip. I tried a and unpowered powered Tripp Lite USB 2 extender, and it didn’t seem to work. I wonder if it’s my keyboard?

Does the keyboard work locally? I.e. with no extender? @Level1_Amber can take a pic of the tested working usb2 extender we tested.

The dirt cheap ones from China work well enough on my iogear.

We were able to get this USB extender to work with the KVM & shortcuts.

I extend 3 computer to the kvm and then plug my monitor, keyboard, and mouse into it there. Costs a bit more than extending just the kvm.

I’m back home tomorrow so I can test extending a hid keyboard.


Yes these cheep extenders do seem to work just fine with my IOGear 4k usb 3.0 KVM and pass keyboard shortcuts and QMK macro’s.

I can change ports as though I am plugged in directly.

Thank you, I will check it out!

This did the trick. Thank you! I apologize but, can you remind me the keyboard shortcut for switching the KVM to a different computer?

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Scroll lock, scroll lock, [1,2,3,4]


L_crrl, L_ctrl, [1,2,3,4]

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Works like a charm. Thank you again for all of your help.

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