L1T KVM general questions

Hi. I just got my 4 PC to one monitor L1T KVM switch today, and besides a few minor hiccups setting it up was a breeze.

First of all I am having some problems getting my Logitech G432 headphones to work through the switch, more specifically they work when using the regular USB 3.0 port but not the USB HID port. Are the HID ports not meant for audio?

I suppose I could use the USB 3 port in the back of the device for the headphones, but I was hoping to use it to provide power for a HDMI to DP adapter that I will need to connect my Nintendo Switch. Can I draw the 5V from the HID port instead? If so I’ll just switch the two and be done with it.

Speaking about plugging the Switch dock into the KVM, is there any risk that this will not work and go horribly wrong? I ask because I have a laptop dock on one of the KVM switch channels, and when I plugged in a Thinkpad running Windows 7 the entire installation was corrupted. It is no problem, I’ll just reinstall, I would just rather not risk messing up the software of my Nintendo in the same way if a similar incompatibility were to exist.

Best regards,

HID ports are meant only for devices that conform to HID device standards. So, no. They are not meant for audio.

That’s the route I take for my HDMI to DP adapter.

That’s an incredibly strange situation. I can’t say why this would happen, but I cannot see any reason the KVM would be the culprit here.

Technically there is avc and uvc. Those codecs will generally work via hid but the USB3 ports are there for everything else.


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