L1's Garage

Guys the back of that ranger cracked me up

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My family almost exclusively drove rangers from 2000-2013 and we always called them danger rangers because they were auction trucks from commercial fleets. Always something wrong with them.

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Pretty common name on ranger forums…

I know but its hilarious that someone spray painted it on. I love it


i know but your car isn´t full of electrics like mines lol. :smiley:

I just bought a Subaru Brat. Pictures soon.


No way! Cool!
Justy and brat share many parts

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I have a 1937 LaSalle.

And my daily is a 93 300sd Mercedes…


30 minute documentary on jerry cans

yeah, sounds about right.

What’s funny is a friend actually offered me 5 worn out WWII era cans yesterday. They need new seals and are a bit corroded, but they’re free which is a lot better than $50/ea.

Gonna start cycling fuel through them.

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Bring a trailer material, on a trailer

The pic of that car is when I got home from cruising the coast last year. I drive it around town where I live.

It begins; 91 octane:


Maybe your gov will drop the taxes? XD

San Diego actually proposed dropping $0.50 in fuel tax because apparently they bring in 6B a year and have a 45B nest egg built up that they haven’t used.

Not that it’ll make a lick of difference, this is prices yesterday. They’re going up by between 0.05 and 0.15 per day.

Not sure how long this can keep up.

At this point, I’m honestly wishing I’d bought an oil tanker instead of a sailboat.

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Gonna have to bust out the heely’s at this rate


Wtf adjust the tax when you are so over budget?

Why take less from the people when you can take more?

Never know when you’ll need it.

Ah! I see you have tapped into the minds of politicians. If it wasn’t for the extreme increase in electricity prices here in Norway, I’d be a lot more smug with my EV😝