Kwayland-server vs kwin - what is going on?

What why does it want to switch from kwayland-server to kwin to begin with? If I switch, wouldn’t that be a critical change of the system behaviour?

Upstream is playing with their Matryoshka Dolls, so arch are updating their package names to suit. Just ordinary life in rolling distro world.


To add on to @cowphrase 's answer, quite a few issues showing up for the upgrade from 5.24 to 5.25 in the update thread: [Stable Update] 2022-09-12 - Kernels, LibreOffice, KDE Gear, KDE Frameworks, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pipewire, Mesa - Stable Updates - Manjaro Linux Forum It’s a good resource to check for issues before updating.


I answered yes for the switch to kwin. But I didn’t know Manjaro used any kwayland things.

If I don’t there might be problems with kwin tiling I’m thinking. There was also a shift with steam from steam-manjaro to /multilib/steam… Let’s see if I have to reinstall the computer after I have rebooted it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: haha

Then the full 1.6GB download of new stuff started to get downloaded. It’s going to be nice to sit with a more functional KDE Plasma. ^^

Needed two re-boots, but it works now, there seems to be some kwin-tiling problems though. So I have to check for a newer version probably.