KVM, virtio and GPU performance factors (non passthrough)

What is the #1 factor for gpu performance for KVM vms using virtio drivers? I will be accessing the VMs through spice.

I would like to have fully virtualized graphics, but the state of AMD mxgpu isn’t looking good.

So I’m wondering if I should get a GPU with more memory, more clock speed or more memory bandwith? Of course more everything would be best, but I don’t want to overspend given the new gpus always coming out.

Fully virtualized graphics are here and the performance is not bad. The question is if you are willing to pay for such solution. Wendel had such a video for vmware + Nvidia quadros.
For SPICE optimizations you can check hints from here: https://www.spice-space.org/static/docs/spice_for_newbies.pdf