I was wondering if anyone knows of a KVM that allows for switching individual devices, and not all or nothing. Some context:
I have 2 DP monitors, a single keyboard, a single mouse, and a single speaker set that I share between my PC and a laptop. I currently have 2 DP switches(one for each monitor), 1 USB switch for the keyboard and mouse, and one 3.5mm switch for the speakers.
I need to retain being able to individually control each, but I am getting kind of tired of having 4 different total boxes to control everything. Does anyone know of a KVM that allows for this in a single solution? When it comes to the USB devices, I am OK with all USB devices switching over together, but extra points for a device that also allows for individual USB port switching.
I have found a couple things that go through how to possibly build something that MIGHT do what I need, but I do not have any of the tools or the skills to do something like that.
Well, if you tape or glue them together, you’ll have one large box that will control everything, instead of four small boxes. That’s what you are asking for, right?
A fancier way would be making your own enclosure, and fitting the workings of the four switches in there.
My IOGear KVM has the ability to do this, and I can switch individual aspects of the devices through it.
Only thing it cant do is 2 different computers on 2 screens with a single keyboard and mouse shared to both.
Allows independent switching of the KVM, USB, and audio devices
Control/share USB3.0 peripherals between 2 computers; save money on duplicate devices
Work on computer “A” without interrupting USB peripheral connectivity on computer “B”
Supports 7.1 HD audio through DisplayPort4
Full bass response for high quality 2.1 channel audio
I use a similar one with a single DP output and I use a mix of embedded display port audio, and 2.1 audio from a “head phone” cable.
My computer is 100’ away in my rack room, and I dis-embed the audio from the display port through the audio out on the monitor. My laptop is plugged into a Thunderbolt dock, which is attached directly to the KVM along with an audio cable.
I can through hotkeys switch devices, generally I just have it switch everything at the same time, but there have been times when I was waiting on a USB copy but wanted to change KVM so I kept the USB connected to the previous port.