KVM CentOS 7 Network installs using FTP [solved]

Hello Friends,

I have been studying for my RHCSA and have been having trouble performing a centOS 7 install over FTP using a kickstart file.

The error I am getting is that there is no sapce left on the device to perform the install and that I have no space left on the device. I will post some screenshots below from the VNC ( I am not sure how I would copy paste in a VNC session)

I will also post the virt-install command I am using to perform the install below.

virt-install -n outsider1.example.org -r 1024 --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/outsider.example.org.img,size=120 --graphics vnc -l -x ks=ftp:

I tested downloading files from the image and the ks1.cfg file from the server and had no issues so I am not sure why the install can’t find the ks1.cfg file.

If anyone can shed some light on this issues or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it so much. If you need any extra details I will be happy to provide it just let me know and I will do my best to get post it here.

Never mind I am a silly boy. I said ks=ftp: and not ks=

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Good it’s sorted. How out getting on with RSCSA?

I am not sure what you mean by “How out getting on with RSCSA?” Can you explain a bit more?

I am now looking for any info on what to expect on my test. the requiermnts to pass are pretty vague.

I mistyped and didn’t check. I meant RHCSA :smile:

Yeah you get the domains that are covered and that’s about it. Pretty much just have to study them all as far as I can tell.

Ahh, I am getting along well. I have been a Linux enthusiast since I was introduced in high school back in 2013. I took a support job at a data-center and am looking for paths to advance. From what I read online it looks like I should be ready to take the test.

Also, I believe the saying goes “how art thou getting on with RSCSA”. Old english is strange.