Kreestuh's Garden Progress 2021

For real, this is low key a reason why we want to grow our own lol. My mom and I used to have some grapes growing along our fenceline, our neighbors made moonshine with it on the regular, 10/10.


hehehe its quite ez and wine yeast is cheap

when i made the juice i accidentally let it go to long and well its a sangria* (cooked the alot of the alcohol off and sweetened it up) didn’t have the yeast to get a good wine


i have some dandelion wine i need to bottle its finished its aging


If you happen to have any walnuts in the area, look into making walnut liqueur, also known as nocino. I haven’t looked at any trees lately, but the nut clusters should be forming.


we have one that fruits alot in the back yard about 60+ years old we gotta get all of the shits off the ground or we get trees like fuck


Making dried strawberries and jam. My kitchen looked like a war zone today.


July 2021

Long time no see! An update. Everything is starting to come in nicely. We’re getting regular harvests of blackberries; and the annuals are getting to a harvestable stage as well.

Also I got a nasty tick bite and had to take a round of antibiotics to prevent Lyme, so I got that going for me.

Pics below. (No ticks tho).

Blackberries + blackberry jam.

The jam turned out to be pretty thick-- I think added pectin was likely not needed with our berries. I’ve still got a ton of plants producing out in the woods so I’ll likely do another batch. I go out every few days and gather more to freeze.


The twin sons of Lt. Dangle have been conceived and grow strong. Lots of pollinators around the pumpkin patch so hoping for more soon.

First cucumber

The best one I’ve ever grown, hands down. The ones I grew last year were weirdly yellow and soft.

Zucchini Struggle Bus

I transplanted these into a raised bed after waiting for them to really take off all spring. They look a little happier here but still not real healthy. Lesson learned: they likely need more space.

Tomatoes and Peppers

Roma tomatoes ftw. I’m waiting on nine large ones to ripen for delicious salsa/sauces. We also have a lot of cherry style tomatoes on the vine as well. Jalapenos are producing and were used on tacos last week; still dreaming of bell pepper!

An update on the Cherokee Purple: no signs of life. Some members of our twitch chat said they are disease prone, and I think mine may have fallen to the heavy rains. RIP in peace.

C’mon you fat fuck, grow already

Bonus Round

A real live mayapple! Sadly not from my property, found at a campground. The deer ate all mine before I try one. Maybe next year.

Neighbor tilled a huge field this spring, and I only walked by it again yesterday. I had assumed they were growing corn, but it’s actually oops all sunflowers.

Cryptic Last Image

Woodchips? Woodchips.


Compost pile ?

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Taters, precious?

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I have a small compost tumbler, but no pile. The wood chips are going to be used for weed management + soil building on some other parts of the property. If I can ever get them all moved lol. (I’ve made a decent dent in them since this pic was taken but hnnnggg).

I have some taters growing but no flowers/vine dieback yet, so not quite time to pull. Hopefully soon!


I tend to wait till the vine turns yellow allows a thick skin good for long storage imo

Im jelly of your tomatoes the heat and drought are not allowing mine to fruit tones of flowers no fruit

All my squash is going crazy though

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she’s back.


Im just here to make note of the fact that your first thought when it came to a size comparison with the cucumber was a lighter. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



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Well, we can’t compare it to a banana, clearly.


Listen. It’s what I had available nearby lol.


Don’t drag this thread into the compost pile!


Dealing with squash bugs on the pumpkins. Been treating with neem oil and manually removing the eggs. Kill me lol.


I fought the squash bugs and the squash bugs won…
Pumpkins are small and heavily damaged. Not even sure I can get puree out of these.

On a happier note though:

More tomatoes and cucumbers this week plus five pounds of potatoes from my grow bags.


I have not really followed this thread. So I am not sure if it has been posted. But do you like/grow chocolate tomatoes? Not actually caocao covered, but they are brown tomatoes. Really tasty. I went to the farmer’s market this past weekend and got a bunch. Ate them up already. Will have to get more this coming weekend.

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I am growing some more plain varieties this year, Roma and Cherry. I did plant a Purple Cherokee as well, but it has not blossomed at all. Some others have mentioned it’s temperamental, which would make sense considering how well all our other plants are doing. I may try Chocolate next year! We are planning on tilling up a large section of the yard to do in ground planting soon.