Kinda new to Linux

Yeah, while an existing system may not be exactly what you want, I’d give it a go on the spare hardware before you sink a bunch of money into a new system.

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Honestly I wouldn’t agree to that. I haven’t actively used Linux longterm before and I started with Fedora, and it’s pretty easy to pick up if you’re willing to read.
I used Ubuntu based stuff in the past and always had some issue or another after a few weeks, now with Fedora everything just kinda works. Packages are also a lot more up-to-date, that helps especially if wanting to start gaming on Linux itself (i.e. WINE)

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Already bought parts for new workstation. Currently using Dell R5500 with 2 Xeon X5680 and 64gb of ram, just is very slow with windows.

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Hello @rlmurphy69! Welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

If the options are Fedora and PopOS I would pick PopOS. Like sgtawesomesauce said Fedora is great distro, but Pop might be bit more beginner friendly. Just pick one that feels better and roll with it, learn and tinker.

You could also test drive ditros in VM first, if you want to test out some things before installing.

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I have been using PopOs on my Surface Pro 6 already and am getting use to it already.


Yeah, that’s been my experience in the past as well, but people keep swearing to me that it’s better now, and I’m inclined to believe them since Fedora used to be an unstable distro as well. I just think that it’s a difference in the criticality of bugs that you tend to encounter. GPU drivers not dkmsing on new kernels? That’s a fedora thing. file permissions errors on removable drive? That’s an Ubuntu thing. Which one of those leaves you with an unusable system?

I would argue neither because you can always just boot into the previous kernel with fedora, but then learning how to fix the issue is probably less noob friendly than file permissions. :man_shrugging:

I wouldnt hesitate to recommend workstation specifically because it seems to have more idiot friendly options… which is especially nice for an idiot like me… but really thats how these discussions always go right? everyone has their own ideal vision of what they think the noob needs.

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Exactly. That’s why I’m trying to lay it out there for OP so he can make a decision that he’s comfortable with.

:thonk: >>im still waiting for this btw

didnt you do a write up for this exact thing?


oh yeah.

Shows where my brain’s at tonight.