Keep or Sell 3900X?

So I dropped my chip a while ago. I recently looked at it again and realized I was looking at the wrong part of the pin map and that the one pin that broke didn’t matter. However, I have been sent an x79 system. Other than resizeable bar and pcie4, I think I am fine with this system for a while. Especially as I am going to move to using it more for hardware testing for videos than using it as my desktop.

So with this info, I’m thinking about what I would need to get the chip running. Board, Ram, and I decided I wanted a 570s board so I don’t have to fuck with it.

Is it even worth it? Or should I sell the chip while its worth something? Does it matter that its a bugged chip? (Iommu bug)

As long as you’re honest about the chip’s history I’d say sell it if that X79 system really suffices your needs. My advise is not spending that money so you have a decent budget to start with on your next upgrade. Unless you have some unforeseen expenditure of course.

Keep in mind AM5 is coming up later this year and quite a few folk will be waiting for that. So you may not get as much as you would have gotten had you sold sooner (like last year). Lacking budget, I’m not interested :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m interested in Zen5 Dense EPYC chips, honestly. Probably a good move then, but I’ll wait for others.

If the 3900X works I’d keep it.

IPC better than what you’ll get in X79, more up to date instruction set, no meltdown, will still receive microcode updates as required from AMD, etc. Plus the board has an upgrade path to 3950X if required. Plus your board will take m.2 drives.

Not sure of the details of the IOMMU bug, but if you aren’t doing GPU passthrough or such it shouldn’t matter?

oh, I was assuming you had the board, etc. to go with the chip. if you don’t that’s a different proposition.

I do not it got sold

What use case do you have planned out for them and what’s the opportunity cost? Cuz if you don’t have answers to that I’d pretty much go with lower end TR of that gen or the zen 5 ryzen

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ATM just interested. Depending on whats available, making a tiny PC and literally throwing everything out or leaving it in michigan. By that time I’ll be moving west permanently and I won’t be able to take my shit.

ZD really just interests me in general. Honestly I am more likely to hack a dell miniPC and give in a GDC EXP dock and call it good.

Pending the X79 board, would dictate how far [spec-wise] it could be pushed
Those chips are capable, of being competent space heaters [for forewarning]
+Likes of DDR3, should be relatively easy to snap up

I have 28gb of ecc ram and its being cooled by a wraith rgb just chilling on top of the socket

What about space heaters?

Also its an open air bench now

Should I ‘upgrade’ from my x79 le to a chinesium x79 board?

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