Karma: Chris Evans/Tesla fail part 2

Y'all remember this recent thread:

Well, seems like instant karma is a thing lol:


So the guy that stores authentication tokens in plain text in apps on third party platforms... yeah that's the guy from the other thread that took a swing at linux...


He's obviously a real pro... and updates necessary on Tesla's... sorry customers... no updates, Tesla sells obsolete cars that can't be updated because the new software is incompatible with your 100kUSD car...

And Volkswagen are the bad guys.... yeah right looooooooooool.....

They push updates all the time. Though not to their phone app. Apparently there's one soon .
That guy had an update with actual exploit code apparently.

Nice one Tesla.

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There is really not enough popcorn in the world for this shit...


It was introduced by Keen labs staff as PoC (thistime a real PoC with video evidence), and as these things should be handled, they informed Tesla beforehand and waited with public release of the information until after Tesla could patch it.

But the nerve of this Chris Evans dude to say that linux' security is rotten in comparison to Windows X (I saw he even said on a different forum that linux was 15 years behind on Windows X in terms of security lol)... while he himself has made a software product that stores the key token in plain text on a third party platform lol... even just the fact that he didn't even flag password entries in his app as such, so that the Google keyboard keylogging is actually active on them... guess Google staff doesn't even need to call an Uber... they just take any Tesla at hand lol...