Just how inflated are RAM prices?

Well seeing as how I could buy 8 gigs of DDR3 for like 16 or 20 bucks not too long ago, and now those prices have skyrocketed, I’ll say VERY VERY INFLATED.

I’m not even sure how that happened TBH.

Edit: And by that I mean, I really only like to buy parts locally or through a local store online if I can benefit the local economy in some way, and if I go to best buy or somewhere it used to be 16 - 20. now its like 89.99. The only cheap place to get ram now is from CompRenew which is a local recycle center, but even thats 45 bucks.

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When I built my Ryzen I splurged on a 4 x 16 GB setup because there’s no such thing as too much RAM. Soon I could almost sell half of it for what they cost together.

Not that I will, but who needs Bitcoin when there’s RAM?

We should use ram as a stock market.

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reminds me of when they invested in gasoline on its always sunny