So, over the years i've played many, many JRPGs, most of which were on consoles; particularly Nintendo consoles. I'm wondering if someone could recommend me some decent JRPGs on PC? Any help is much appreciated.

Are we talking new, old school, or both?

Both, so long as they are on PC. I've played most JRPG games available on older consoles.

Cool. For a newish one I can suggest The Last Remnant, which I've played on steam, but  never finished it. I thought it was enjoyable though. It has descent graphics and is pretty fun once you get a good squad going.

You've probably already played these, but I'm going suggest them anyway because I am a huge fan: FF VII, which is on steam.

And FF Tactics (this one needs an emulator and I played it on both PS1 and PC). This game has a high quality story line and has a lot of really cool hidden extras. I've had countless hours in both of these and I highly recommend them.

Thanks, i've played all except the last remnant.

The only two I can think of is Dark Souls and The Last Remanent

I'm a fan of JRRPG's too and it's sad this platform doesn't get enough of them.  Or Japaneses games generally.

Lunar Silver Star Story

Chrono Trigger

Tales of Symphonia 1 and 2

And Final Fantasy 8 are my favorites you will need emulators for all of them other than FF8 which is on steam now, FF3 recently released on Steam as well. All the Sega JRPG's are on steam under the Genesis collection, Phantasy star and Shining Force.

Try Kingdom Hearts as well if you are a FF fan.



BTW I bought this on Amazon last week...


Squalls Gunblade from Final Fantasy 8