Jim Croce is the best


Jim Croce, classic. I can’t believe I had almost forgotten about this song.

I was just listening to some of the classics the other day. Jim Croce, Billy Joel, Cat Stevens, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen etc.

This does not get old

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My dad liked Jim Croce but I never heard him listen to his music much when I was growing up so I don’t know much about his music. As for that Billy Joel song shared I listen to that every once in awhile now and Cat Stevens well is one of my idols.

Just a fun song, 70’s style anime cartoons :slight_smile:
If you like Croce you will probably like Harry Chapin "Taxi"and “Cats in the Cradle”
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It’s all the hype in the world that is consuming you. Hopefully not.

Only know this from xmen