Javascript queues?

In Javascript I have three functions. For simplistic reasons I named them func1, func2 and func3. Each function requires at least 1.5sec delay before it calculates their results. func2 and func3 rely on func1s result. func1 will save its result to a variable so func2 and 3 can pass the variable inside via an argument.

So my question is, is there some sort of javascript queue where I can store all three functions, go down the list of functions executing them after the prior function completed then repeat the cycle?

how about

function func1(arg1) {
    // your stuff


function func2(arg1) {
    // your stuff


function func3(arg1) {
    // your stuff

Just call your function at the end of the previous one and you don't need a queue. If you need the functions separately at some point you can add a second bool parameter, check for that before the next function call.